Thirty Eight

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Falling. The feeling is terrifying, freeing, gut-wrenching, heart stopping, and glorious all wrapped in one.

It was the little things he noticed at first. The way he dozed off in lessons, letting his hair fall in front of his face lazily. His chest fluctuates evenly and small breaths blow over the quill still propped in his hand. Or the way he holds his chin high with every step, his confidence never wavering in the face of even his worst nightmares.

Then it was the simplest things. The way he gave his undivided attention to whomever was speaking, as if their words would be forgotten if he dared to look away. And the devotion to his artwork. The nastiest of storms could berate the castle with its deafening thunder and blinding lightning, but he could find beauty in the heart of it all.

Time slips away as if it never ceased to exist. They're alone even when they're not.

And when their eyes meet - no matter the distance - Remus can only let himself fall into the terrifying, freeing, gut-wrenching, heart stopping, and glorious feeling of -

"Remus did you get number seven?" James asks for the second time, prodding his cheek with a quill.

Remus blinks twice at his homework and scans over it briefly. "Erm...the answer is lacewing flies," he tells him.

"And number three? I don't think I got that one right either."

Remus slides his homework across the table to James and sets down his quill. He cracks his knuckles, taking a break to stretch, when he sees rich, royal purple robes slide across the the floor. McGonagall. He leans back in his chair to get a better glimpse of her speaking with Professor Slughorn. "What's that about?"

James glances up and shrugs. "I dunno, McGonagall has Lily and I doing our rounds in the dungeons a lot near Slughorn's classroom. She didn't really say why."

Remus tears his gaze away and leans on his forearms with a smirk. "You and Lily are spending an awful lot of time together."

James flickers his eyes upwards as he scribbles the remainder of Remus' answers down. "What're you on about?"

"Nothing...You know, even though I lost my memory, I can vaguely recall you in the common room snogging a girl." James raises a challenging eyebrow. "Don't worry, I didn't see her. But I have a few suspicions."

James bites down on his lip, but doesn't say anything more.




Sirius' boots crunch the frost bitten gravel as he steps out of the carriage. The snowcapped roofs of shops glow with warm lights, welcoming students. The first trip to Hogsmeade for Hogwarts students fills the air with excitement. In a few carriages over, he spots Frances. Her curly black hair is pushed down by a sage green hat. Something about her is different, though he can't exactly put a pin in it. Her light blue jeans are cuffed at the bottom and her upper half is wrapped in a coat as black as night. Out of the same carriage follows a girl her age Sirius doesn't quite recognize, though she dons a scarlet and gold scarf.

"Can we get ice cream?" Peter asks with wide eyes.

"It's freezing and you want ice cream?" Remus questions with bewilderment.

"I say we go to Zonko's first," James suggests.

"Or Honeydukes?" Sirius offers.

"Hurry or they'll wipe the shelves clean," Marlene jokes from behind.

The boys turn around to see their fellow Gryffindor girls walking. James flashes a flirtatious smile at Lily. "Perhaps I'll start with a room at the Three Broomsticks," he says.

"Not even going to buy me a butterbeer first?" Lily shoots back. Her usual tone of irritation and frustration at James' lame attempts to woo her are nowhere to be found.

James runs a hand through his hair and smirks at her wits.

Peter pretends to gag and wraps his arm around Mary. "I guess we'll see you guys later for lunch. We're going to Gladrags." The happy couple wander off arm in arm cozily against one another.

The group breaks off slowly - James, Lily, and Alice take off towards Zonko's while Marlene and Hestia head into Dervish and Banges, leaving just Remus and Sirius alone.

"Don't suppose you're in need of chocolate," Sirius suggests knowingly.

Remus walks alongside Sirius with his hands kept warmly in his pockets. They cross paths with Frances and her new friend, peaking Sirius' interest like a nosy older brother.

"OI!" Sirius calls out. "Francesca."

Frances stops in her tracks, turning to Sirius nervously. "Sirius," she greets, her lips pressed into a thin line. Her eyes shift towards Remus. "Hello Remus."

"Hi," Remus replies kindly.

Sirius glances back and forth between Frances and the Gryffindor girl beside her, waiting patiently to be introduced. Frances rolls her eyes and finally says, "Willa, this is Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Guys, this is Willa Russet."

"Nice to meet you," Sirius says extending his hand.

"You're on the quidditch team," Remus states rather than questions. The name dangles just at the tip of his tongue. "'re the Gryffindor seeker, right?"

"I am," Willa answers.

"What're you doing with this troublemaker?" Sirius teases, nudging Frances.

"We were going for tea," Frances snaps. "What are you two doing?"

Sirius smiles cheekily. "Oh nothing. We'll see you around." He places a gentle hand on Remus' elbow and guides him away from the two.

Frances' face heats up immensely when they walk away. "Sirius is like an annoying brother," she explains to Willa. "Always there for me when I need him and when I don't."

Willa only laughs. "I never knew you were friends with them. James Potter is my quidditch captain - though I suspect you already knew that." Her mitten-clad hand grasps the handle of Madam Puddifoot's, and she holds the door open for Frances to walk through. They find a table near the windows and shed themselves from their heavy winter coats.

"Is James a hard a captain as everyone says?" Frances asks, wrapping her hand around the steaming pot of tea.

"He can be." Willa slides her teacup forward. "Only when it's closer to games. I swear sometimes I think my bum is glued to the broomstick!"

They divulge into stories of quidditch over tea and scones, cooped up in the hum of the store. Fruity scents of tea and the sweetness of desserts mingle in the air. Frances is so caught up in the conversation that she doesn't even notice the Slytherin boy just beyond the frosted glass.

The ring of the cashier's bell chimes throughout the store and coins clanging together sound. Sirius picks up his new purchase and crosses over the white path towards Honeydukes where he'd slipped out from under Remus' eye. He spots the head of sandy brown hair staring at the endless rows of chocolate bars. Keeping his hands behind his back, he saunters over and inspects alongside him.

"Seventy-five percent dark and twenty-five percent milk," Sirius mumbles quietly enough for only Remus to hear. "With almonds and sea salt." He takes his free hand and dances his fingers over the labels. "Right here." He grabs the bar of chocolate hidden in the farthest left row and hands it to Remus.

"Thank you," Remus says as softly as a whisper. He notices the shimmer of silver on Sirius' finger in the very distinct shape of an R. They walk to the cashier together and Remus pays for his sweets. "So how do you know Frances - the girl we ran into?"

"It's a long story," Sirius explains.

"I've got time."

Sirius lips curl upwards. "How about I explain it over a butterbeer?"

Warmth spreads throughout Remus - tingling every inch of his body. "I'd like that."

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