Twenty Six

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Peter lays on his stomach enjoying his afternoon with a glass of chocolate milk and a deck of muggle cards Remus' had gifted him last year. He swings his legs up and down mindlessly while arranging the cards to play solitaire. He licks his lips and flips over the first card when they shift to the left as the door bangs against the wall.

"Sorry," Sirius says, shutting it much nicer than he had opened it. Unbothered, Peter adjusts his cards and continues to play. "What're you doing?"

"Self-care day," Peter answers, taking another sip of his milk. "You should try it."

Sirius grunts. "Merlin knows I could use one." He kneels down in front of Remus' trunk, lifting it carefully.

"What're you looking for?"

Sirius turns around, slumping down. "Don't you think it's a little odd how Remus hasn't improved his memories that much? It's been a month and he hasn't said anything to us since the map."

"This isn't about Remus being distant with you, is it?"

"No!" Sirius grips the trunk tightly to collect his thoughts. "He isn't acting like himself and I think he's hiding something." At the top of the trunk are Remus' collection of books, his camera, and a few miscellaneous things. Sirius rummages around underneath some sweaters only to find more books. He runs his hand along the sides, feeling around blindly. "Ah-ha!" His hand grasps around a small notebook and he pulls it out with ease. "Gotcha."

Peter crawls over curiously, leaving his game forgotten on the floor. "Remus would be mad you're snooping."

"Don't you mean he would be mad that we're snooping?" Sirius questions. "If I go down, you're going with me."

"My lips are sealed."

Sirius leans against the trunk and cracks open Remus' notebook, moving it slightly so Peter can read as well. The first few pages are just scribbles of questions and things he can remember. Sirius flips through the pages slowly when something falls onto his lap. A wad of parchments folded together.

"It smells nice," Peter comments when Sirius unfolds them.

Sirius lifts the parchment to his nose and narrows his eyes. "Smells like...perfume." There's five pieces of parchment in total - each one dated and sealed with a sparkly lip print. "Of course it's her."

Peter snatches the letters away from Sirius before he can crush them with his fists. He shuffles through them, choosing the last letter dated on October 8th. "Dear Remus," he beings to read aloud.

I know it's hard to remember, especially when it's things you never knew you were capable of. Times have changed so much, but I will always love you. That's one thing that will stay the same no matter what. It's been hard to forgive you after everything that happened, but I know your heart is pure. Davy seems like a good friend, maybe you should hangout with him more. It sounds like you trust him a lot.

I can't wait to see you soon.

I love you,

Abigail Xx

Sirius slams his fist into the ground causing Peter to drop the letter. "What the fucking hell!" he shouts. "I can't believe that bitch would -" His words are cut off by his own rage. "See you soon? Like hell she will!"

Peter scrambles to his feet, trying to keep the situation calm. "Maybe it's not what we think!" he offers weakly.

"What else could it possibly be, Peter?"

"I-I don't know. We should tell Prongs before doing anything you might regret!" Sirius attempts to move past Peter, but the small boy shoves Sirius back so hard he stumbles against the window, catching his hand James' nightstand. "Sirius!" Peter rushes over, offering a hand to his friend. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to -"

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