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Remus strolls along the grounds with his camera in hand. Of all the things he can't remember, photography isn't one of them. The wind brushes against his cheeks and nips at the tip of his nose. He bundles his sweater closer to brace himself as he starts up the hill. His eyes see through the lens of his camera, capturing the rolling hills and autumnal colors bursting throughout the trees, forever frozen in time. Just beyond the hill is a large willow tree. Sirius Black sits underneath its swaying branches with a sketch pad in his hand. His knees hold up the book as his head continuously switches from looking at the lake back down to his sketch pad.

Remus stares at him through the camera, his finger nearly pressing down on the button when his head begins to pound heavily. Everything is hazy again, glowing in the distance. However, unlike last time, everything looks the same.

Not far ahead, Sirius sits underneath a sweeping willow tree with a pad of parchment. His knees are bent, holding up the pad, and his eyes are fixated on the lake before him. Remus focuses his camera on him, snapping the photo subconsciously.

The world around Remus begins to fade again, and he lowers his camera shakily. He grabs the photo before it falls, not even realizing that he took the picture. It feels like a weird case of deja vu. Rather than joining Sirius, he takes a different route and hastily makes his way back to the castle.

Remus rounds the corner past the Great Hall when a rather small girl bumps into him. He looks down to see a girl with dark curly hair and a silk pink ribbon tying her hair back.

"Oh hi Remus!" Frances says beaming up at him.

"Er..." Remus blinks twice dumbfounded. Is he supposed to know who this girl is? "Hello." He forces an awkward smile before shuffling around her and back to the tower. When he reaches the dorm, his owl, Sodapop, is sitting on the windowsill. He fluffs his feathers out and chirps eagerly upon seeing Remus enter.

Remus sets his camera carefully on his bed and rushes over to the desk where a single pink envelope lays. He picks it up and instantly recognizes the loopy handwriting on the front. Sitting down, he rips the seal and pulls out the letter. It smells of watermelon and he's reminded of her lipgloss. A frown resides on his face when he thinks of their time together, and the question he wonders appears again. Why would she leave him? Did he do something wrong?

He opens the letter with a hope of finally getting some answers.


It's great to hear from you! I'm so sorry about your accident. As you probably have found out, I've left Hogwarts and I'm attending Beuaxbatons now. I'm sure I can help give you answers to fill the gaps in your memory. You said your memory only goes to 5th year, what do you remember last? Is it all of 5th year or only the beginning, perhaps up to November? I miss you terribly.

Love always,


Remus sighs with a heavy heart. In the midst of this chaos, she's is his rock. The comfort and familiarity of her is like the calm in the storm. In the past she'd always. been there for him too. He depended on her for more than he really knew. It was like he couldn't survive without her.

He pulls out another piece of parchment and begins to write back. Every question he's thought since the accident is being poured into this letter.

Dear Abigail,

I'm so glad you wrote back! It feels like nobody can help me except you. I miss you so much. I have so many questions. I don't remember much of 5th year, only that I'm a prefect. Madame Pomfrey says the last date I remember is in September. Why did you transfer schools? Are we still dating? The last I recall we were. But I guess things could have changed the past two years. None of your pictures are in the dorm anymore. I'm sorry if I did anything and this is a bit uncomfortable to talk about.

James and Peter are pretty much the same as far as I can tell. Just taller and maybe more fit. Peter has a girlfriend now - Mary Macdonald. The weirdest thing is that they're best friends with Sirius Black. I don't know how that happened. He's never really hung out with us before and now they're inseparable. I don't know much because nobody will tell me anything. But I know you will. You're always there for me.

Please write back soon.






"Frances!" Sirius calls out, half jogging to catch up to the small fifth year. Frances stops mid-step with a joyful smile on her face. " you have a moment to talk?"

"Of course I do."

Sirius opens the door to a classroom and peeks around to make sure it's empty before ushering her inside. They take seats across from each other and Frances swings her legs absentmindedly. "What's up?" she asks.

"It's about Remus."

"I just ran into him. Although he seemed a bit lost. When I said hello he kind of ran away."

"Yeah, he's been through some things recently." Frances raises an eyebrow curiously. "He's got amnesia. Can't remember a thing past 5th year."

Frances' eyes widen and she leans forward. "Wait, so you mean he doesn't remember anything from last year?" Sirius nods his head solemnly. "Merlin! That's horrible! Have you told him anything?"

"We're not supposed to. It'll alter his perception of memories or something like that."

"I'm so sorry." She places a comforting hand on his arm. "So he doesn't know you two are dating?"

"No. As far as I'm concerned he still thinks he's in love with Abigail!"

Frances grimaces at the thought of her. "Blimey I hope not! He has to remember!"

"I just don't know what to do. I've been thinking about it all day." Sirius groans and rakes his hands through his hair in frustration. "I don't even know if he knows he likes boys. It took so long for us to get where we are now and it's just been erased from time."

"Well he fell in love with you once right?" Sirius sighs, but nods none the less. Frances lifts his chin and stares at him with her big brown eyes. "Then make him fall in love with you all over again."

Sirius replays her words in his head. Make him fall in love again. She was right, he already has once. His posture straightens as he entertains he idea. "That could work..." he mumbles. "I can just do everything all over again, except this time I don't have to worry about the troll getting in the way!"

Frances lets out a laugh, slapping a hand over her mouth.

"Thanks kid," he says standing up. "I've got to go find Remus now..." He spins on his heels suddenly, turning to Frances with a soft smile. "Did you want to talk about anything?" Frances shakes her head. "I'll see you later then. I've got to go flirt with Remus."

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