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The rain pours in sheets over Hogwarts. Most of the students cozy up in their dorms, finishing past due assignments, while others find comfort in their common rooms playing a game of chess. James and Lily sit in the library going over McGonagall's plans to organize a Christmas ball, arguing like old times when James charms the books to start flying around Madame Pince like bats.

Elvis Presley's I Can't Help Falling in Love plays quietly on the record player as Remus sits on the windowsill. There was always something soothing about Elvis' voice to Remus. His forehead is pressed to the glass while he watches the rain, and the song fades into the background as he dozes in and out of his thoughts.

A small journal lays untouched in his lap. The first few pages are filled with short scribbles of things he's jotted down over the past few days. For the most part they're his memories - or what he assumes to be. One of the few things Remus prides himself on is his intellect. With all the parts of his memory coming back at random, he hopes he can piece them together to finally understand what has happened over the years.

Mum and Dad - haven't returned my owl yet



-Broken up?


-Peter and Mary are dating

-Lily Evans calls James "James" now

-James is Head Boy and Quidditch Captain (2 years in a row)

-Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

-Davy Gudgeon and others by the lake (polaroids)

-Some girl named Frances


- Black dog in Shrieking Shack

- James and Snape fight in the courtyard (5th year)

- James in the corridor (hiding something?)

Sirius Black?


-Peppermint toothpaste (Amortentia)

-Photo under the beech tree

-Matching ring and necklace?

-Bought me copy of The Outsiders (reasons unknown)

-May or may not know about my "condition"

Remus writes the last thing in his notebook before shutting it as he's suddenly not alone in the dorm anymore. It's Peter. He stumbles in with an armful of yarn balls. Remus pushes his notebook behind him when he faces Peter skeptically.

"What're you doing?" Remus asks curiously.

Peter dumps the yarn onto the floor and grabs a pillow from his bed to comfortably situate himself on the floor. "Knitting," he answers breathlessly. "Lily taught me how and I'm going to make Mary some mittens for quidditch games. She always forgets hers so I'm going to make little ties so they can hang onto her coat."

The idea softens Remus' heart. Who knew Peter was such a romantic? "That's so sweet," Remus says as he gets to his feet. "Mary's really lucky to have you as a boyfriend."

Peter stares up with wide eyes. "You think so?"

Remus nods reassuringly. "I might not be able to remember much, but you've always been a good friend. I know you treat Mary like a princess."

Falling // WolfstarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora