Twenty Four

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Four pieces of bacon, three sausages, two spoonfuls of scrambled eggs, one piece of toast with butter and jam, and three glasses of pumpkin juice. A breakfast of champions. James practically inhales his food for the first quidditch game of the year. The overzealous boy doesn't even register that Remus has taken a seat across from him.

"You're going to choke mate," Remus warns, sliding a water pitcher towards James.

James laughs, pouring himself a glass and chugging it down within seconds. "How was your detention last night?" he asks. "Sirius didn't really say much when he came back."

Remus presses his lips in a thin line at the mention of Sirius. "It wasn't anything special." He pokes at his plate when a smirk spreads across his face. "Not compared to the night you had I reckon."

James clears his throat, averting his eyes to the table. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Please, I saw you and some girl in the common room. So you finally moved on from Lily?"

"I will never move on from Lily."

Before Remus can egg him on more, he catches sight of Sirius walking into the Great Hall. Sirius walks with long strides and determination in his step, however, he's not headed towards them. James peers over his shoulder to follow Remus' line of sight as Sirius marches right up to the Slytherin table. He grasps the back of Regulus' shirt and yanks him out of his seat with ease. The two shuffle out of the Great Hall, much to Regulus' protest, and disappear out into the corridor.

"Wonder what that's about," James comments, turning back to Remus.

"Who cares."

"What's your problem with Sirius?" Remus doesn't answer but instead takes a dreadfully slow sip of orange juice. "Remus, we only want to help you out and we can't do that if you just shut yourself off. You said you remember that you cheated on Abigail? What else?"

Remus lays his head on the table, burying it between his arms. He props his chin on his forearm, glancing up at James with remorse. "I'm a terrible person, James. Why would I cheat on Abigail with Sirius Black? It doesn't even make sense. I-I don't even know."

James leans closer, lowering his voice. "You're not a terrible person, Moony. You were manipulated."

"That's not true." Remus purses his lips, staring off into the distance. "I knew exactly what I was doing. How could I be so heartless? I mean, I know it was only fifth year, but I can't believe she even got back together with me over the summer."

"Don't you mean sixth year?"

Their conversation is disrupted when Lily approaches them decked in all Gryffindor attire. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail that sways side to side effortlessly, showing off the glittery lion on her left cheek. James fixes his posture immediately and nearly spits out his juice when he sees her. "Lily," he stammers, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "Here to kiss me good luck?"

Lily's cheeks blush ever so slightly, though Remus is too preoccupied with his own thoughts to even notice their odd interaction. "You wish." She takes a seat, shooting a warning look at James out of the corner of her eye. "I told Davy we'd meet in the courtyard before the game," she tells Remus. "Peter is with Mary and the others already."

"Davy?" James questions with a slight disgust in his tone.

"He's sitting with us," Remus answers.

"Why? Doesn't he have his own friends?"

"Don't be rude," Lily snaps.

James unclenches his fist that has crumbled his napkin to a ball. "Sorry," he mumbles. Remus glances between the two skeptically, though chooses not to comment. "I've got to get down to the pitch anyway. I'll walk you."

Falling // WolfstarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora