Twenty Three

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Frances brushes out her black hair, readjusting her ribbon to make sure it won't fall out. In the mirror's reflection, she can see the door handle of the dorm jiggle. She takes a slow inhale, turning around when the sound of giggles become louder.

Marissa, Lucy, and Brie walk into the room and the noise comes to an instant halt. If it wasn't enough to have classmates gossip about you in the bathroom, try living with them.

"Hey guys," Frances greets with a forced smile.

Lucy looks at Brie, cupping a hand over her mouth.

Frances smoothens out her skirt, still wearing her uniform despite the time. Of all the horrible things the girls say about her, there's still a part inside that longs to be accepted by them. Marissa especially. "I'm going to the Astronomy Tower," she announces to the room. "There's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight. Do you guys want to come?"

"We'll take a pass," Marissa answers for the group.

Frances grabs her robes and makes her way to the door quickly. "Have a good night, then," she says as a mere whisper. Once the door is closed behind her, she leans against the wall, staring up at the ceiling to hold back the tears. The girls continue talking, and against her better judgement, Frances presses her ear to the door.

"She's so weird. Why would anybody want to spend time with her?"

"She might as well just jump off while she's there."

Frances rushes down the stairs as fast as her feet can carry her, pushing past fellow Hufflepuff's on her way out. Her vision is blurred by the tears begging to fall. Anger surges through her body with every step. She doesn't even notice Remus passing her on his way back from detention. Her hand flies to her hair, pulling the pink ribbon and letting her hair fall loosely.

Just before the stairs up to the Astronomy Tower, Frances storms into a small broom cupboard. Her face is flush and her head feels heavy all over. She can't even cry anymore. There are no more tears. Plopping down onto an upside down bucket, Frances buries her face into her lap and screams out everything she can. Grabbing the closest thing to her, which just happens to be a dustpan, she chucks it blindly.


Frances snaps her head up, reaching for her wand instinctively. "H-hello?" she calls out.

In the dim lighting, a boy emerges. Frances holds her breath when she sees the unmistakable dark hair that belongs to Regulus Black. He takes a seat directly across from her, though there isn't much room so their knees brush against one another. He leans forward, resting his forearms on his legs, close enough where Frances can see the small freckles on his nose. His hair falls in perfect waves almost asking to be touched. He's still wearing his uniform as well, and held delicately between his ring-clad fingers is a cigarette.

"You smoke?" Frances questions.

Regulus holds it up to her. "You want it?"

"Erm, I don't..." She watches as her brings it up to his pink lips and takes a slow drag. "That rubbish'll kill you, you know."

"I've got a lot more to worry about than some tobacco." He turns his head to blow the smoke away from her face. "You've got a good arm by the way." Frances blushes, remembering her sudden rage moments ago. "What could possibly be wrong in Francesca's life?"

Frances scoffs, twitching her nose at the smell of smoke. "Like you want to know."

"I asked, didn't I?"

Frances shakes her head, brushing a stand of hair behind her ear. Of all the people in all the broom closets, she just happened to walk into the one with Regulus Black. The ribbon in her hand shines under the faint light, catching Regulus' eye.

"You took your ribbons out," he comments. He holds his cigarette between his lips while his hands reach over and pulls the ribbon out slowly. "Why?"

"Tried of being different," she answers quietly. "Might as well conform while I can."

Regulus lets out a wry chuckle. "I know the feeling." His fingers run over the smooth silk ribbon. "You're too good for them, Frances." She sits on her hands innocently, though her eyes never stray away from looking at him. "Being different isn't a bad thing."

"You surprise me, Regulus. You're not as bad as you try to make everyone think you are."

"Believe me, I am."

"What makes you say that?"

Regulus shifts his feet, tugging the edge of his sleeve uncomfortably. "I know you think I'm like my brother, but trust me when I tell you I'm not worth your time."

Frances' face falls, choosing not to press on the subject. When Regulus lifts his head, Frances realizes that they're only mere inches away from each other. She can smell the smoke in his breath. The cigarette hangs loosely on his bottom lip when it falls to the floor. Regulus' eyes flicker from her eyes to her lips then back up to her eyes.

"There's a meteor shower tonight," Frances blurts suddenly.

Regulus smirks, hanging his head and ruffling his hair. "Merlin you're such a nerd."

"Come on."

Frances gets to her feet, pushing open the door when Regulus grabs her hand and spins her back around. She falls against his chest, feeling her heart begin to race. Staring up at him, her brown eyes swell with admiration. With their hands intertwined, Regulus places the ribbon back in her possession. "Think you forgot these."




Remus swipes the mud from the bottom of his shoes as he makes his way back to the common room. After walking around for what felt like ages, Filch had Davy and him clear an area of dead trees without their wands. The only thing he wants is to lay in his bed and fall asleep.

He steps through the portrait, rubbing the exhaustion from his eyes. Quiet noises of soft kissing and moaning can be heard, though nobody can be seen. Remus' eyes widen and he resorts to tiptoeing up to the dorm, praying that the couple wouldn't notice him. The boy on the couch reaches behind him and pulls off his shirt in a swift movement. Although Remus' body aches and his mind is solely focused on sleep, he would recognize that unruly raven hair anywhere. He quickly screws his eyes shut and rushes up the staircase as fast as he can.

James sits up abruptly at the sound of scuffling footsteps and glances around cautiously. "Was that Remus?" he asks breathlessly.

Lily Evans props herself up on her elbows, looking around the empty common room. "Do you think he saw us?" she asks.

"No, I think he just ran up to the dorm." James brushes her hair behind her ear and gazes down at her adoringly.

Lily narrows her eyes at him while her hand trails down his bare chest. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"Nothing." James smiles, leaning down to kiss the tip of her nose.

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