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The last time the Marauder's had ever stayed silent was - well come to think of it - never. They sit under a sweeping beech tree beside the Black Lake, letting the fall breeze ruffle through their hair. James lays on the grass with his hands tucked behind his head; his eyes are closed as he listens to the water. Next to him Peter is picking an assortment of yellow and white daisies, weaving them together into a sort of crown.

Remus' back is pressed against the tree; his long legs are extended to the fullest where Sirius lays his head on.

The sun shines overhead, kissing their faces delicately. The only thing in sight are puffy white clouds that float by on their own accord.

"My head feels like Lyle Barker after Remus jinxed him to spin uncontrollably in the air in third year," James groans.

"It was an accident!" Remus exclaims.

"Shh Moony I'm trying to get some beauty rest," Sirius mumbles. Remus sighs, leaning against the tree and running his hands through Sirius' hair. "Thank you."

A shadow looms over James' face, and he scrunches his nose. Peeping an eye open, he stares up at a pair of big brown eyes. "Padfoot, your daughter's blocking my sun," he says.

Sirius sits up slowly to see Francesca Berkshire standing a few feet away. She's grown about an inch, and her previously long curly black hair is now chopped to her shoulders with a pink silk bandana wrapped around her head.

"Francesca!" Sirius greets with a wide grin. She grimaces at the use of her full name. "No more ribbons?"

"Hello, Siri-esca," she says walking over to him. "My hair is too short for a ponytail so the bandana does just fine for now. Bit of a new look I'm trying out this year." She sits criss cross beside Remus and him, leaning over to give each of them a hug. "How was your summer?"

"Brilliant thanks for asking," Remus answers. "And yours?"

"Amazing! My mum took me to the States in July."

"You don't have any piercings, do you?" Sirius asks. "You're far too young for that."

Frances shakes her head. "Don't be ridiculous! Only a tattoo of Amos Diggory on my left hip." Sirius' eyes widen when she bursts into a fit of laughter. "I'm joking! Merlin you're worse than my dad."

"So no boyfriends?" Remus smacks the side of Sirius' head. "Blimey Moony! I'm only asking..."

"No I'm not interested in anybody this year." Her hands fidget with a small flower, picking at the petals gently. "Just working on my studies and friends."

"Lame," James grunts as he sits up. "I say go make out with every boy, girl, or professor you can before you get out of here. Merlin knows the fun you'll miss if you keep your nose in a book."

Remus scoffs, appalled at his words. "That's absolutely terrible advice Prongs! Don't listen to him Frances. Focus on your O.W.L.S."

Frances laughs, leaning back on her hands. She wears a pair of loose fitting jeans that are cuffed at the ankle and a flowing lilac top. The small innocent girl from the year prior was nearly gone and in her place is a beautiful young woman. "Enough about me," she insists. "You four seem awfully quiet for a Saturday."

"We had a party last night," Peter explains. "You should've seen it - Moony almost jumped into the fireplace!"

"I-I most certainly did not!" Remus argues.

"Oh even I remember that," James joins in. "Something about wanting to be a phoenix and be reborn."

Remus' face burns bright red at the faded memory while the others can only laugh.

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