Chapter 10

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The snake injected poison on my system. As that realization dawned on me, my vision starts to get hazy. I tried to keep my calm by breathing in but even that started to feel painful. It was as if there were a bunch of blades stocked inside my lungs. Every time I took in even just a small amount of air, those blades would stir around inside and shred my lungs in the process. In a word, it was incredibly painful. I even coughed up blood whenever I exhaled.

Damn... it...

As time passed, even my vision was dyed in blood. Still, I endured all that pain and stubbornly stood my ground. But simple willpower could only take a person so far. When faced with death, simply being headstrong wasn't enough. And that was a fact and undeniable truth.

And so, I eventually fell down on the ground. I tried to stand back up, but my legs were simply too weak. While violently coughing up blood, I felt the snake crawl near me. Then, I felt as it slowly coiled around my body. Looks like for the snake, the poison was just a means to weaken me so that he could easily crush me to death.

Honestly, I already had a hunch after the snake made that surprise attack. But this action just proved it. Unlike those opponents I had fought before, this snake was definitely a lot more cautious. The proof was that despite having the chance and capability to just swallow me whole, it would rather take the long route and crush me first to death.

It was the first time since coming here that I directly fought a monster this cautious. Despite being on the verge of being a meal, I still felt respect for this cautious snake. It was because this monster understands the fact that simply being strong wasn't enough of a guarantee to survive. This fact was also something I had to learn the hard way not only from my life as a human, but also from my time as a simple wolf. But of course, I wasn't going to go down without a fight. Out of respect for this worthy enemy, I would stake my life on a gamble. And being coiled around by the snake just presented the perfect opportunity for that...

As the snake slowly tightened its grip around my body, I mustered all my remaining strength and bit the snake's body over and over again. In my current state, ripping off the snake's flesh until it dies would take too much time and effort. And I simply didn't have the strength and energy to keep it up until the snake died. That was why my plan was quite simple. It was to stock up the effects of my skill Rabid Fangs. If you forgot, my Rabid Fangs' effect was to stock up a mental damage that could result in the opponent to be inflicted by the status called Madness. And that Madness if not removed, would result in an eventual death.

I knew that it was an incredibly rash and risky strategy. But I had no other choice. To survive this encounter, I had to gamble my life on my skills. And besides, if I emerged victorious against this worthy opponent, there would still eventually come a time that I would have to once again gamble my life on a similarly risky move such as this. It was just like the saying, Desperate times, called for desperate measures.

And so, the battle of endurance began. The snake continued to crush me with all its might while I bit its body over and over again. Some of my bones even broke in the process, but I managed to endure that pain. Probably because of desperation, the snake bit me once again causing more poison to enter my system. But despite all that torture, I still continued to bite the snake repeatedly. Until finally, my efforts bore fruit.

It took some time and effort but the snake finally went mad. I could tell because instead of continuing to inject my body with poison, it just trashed around wildly resulting in its grip on my body to loosen. But despite that, I knew for sure that it would take some time for the snake to die if I just let it be. That was why I continued to bite its body even after I was finally free.

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