Good? ~ yuto(day twenty-three)

Start from the beginning

"You know..." Yuto starts, the couch slightly screaming as he shifts closer to me. The smug smile once inhabiting his face molds into something as slick as oil and as cunning as fox.

I move further away from him, distance enough to where our thighs are no longer touching—but he could still reach out and touch me. Yuto's face frowns, and I roll my eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was become puddy in his arm backstage.

As I'm ignoring him by checking out the place, he places a firm hand on my knee, and begins rubbing up and down; a commonality I had once gotten use to. Yuto's firm hands on my thighs offer me a warm comfort, so I don't protest his warm hands tingling my uncovered skin.

But then, his hands climb higher, resting softly on my upper thigh. I twist my head over to him—and he twists his head in the other direction to avoid my eye-contact, yet keeps his hands on my thigh, and rubs loving circles into it.

If I didn't have practice yesterday, if I didn't work extra hard to perform my best—I wouldn't be sore. But because my body is in aching pain all over, his slight massage on my thighs relieves my muscles of tension. Yuto pushes his thumb deeper into my thigh—hitting a nerve before circling it. I grit my teeth and noisily suck air through them, before moaning in relief. His hand massaging my thigh felt like a thousand nerves in my thigh were worked into subsiding.

"Does that—"

"Shut it Yuto," I retaliate, throwing my head back. My hand on the other side of my body—the one Yuto cannot see—grips some of the cushion.

Yuto—who never listens to me anyway, continues to pleasure me with a naughty smirk on his face. "What? Does that feel good?"

"Yes fuck Yuto....." My back begins to arch off the couch, and my teeth take my lip inside of them. Relief. Sweet relief takes over all of my body. Controls my moaning lips, my arching back, and my eyelids closing for the rest of my senses to have their fun in this new pleasure.

Yuto slithers over to me, spreading my legs to make room for him in between. He then grips my chin in his forefinger and thumb, and lowers my head to look at him—his eyes lustful and anticipating my taste on his tongue. Yuto's fingers slowly part from my face—and he lowers himself to his knees, his focus changing to my soaked core peeking through my skirt.

"Wait Yuto wait," I desperately call, panting from my fast past heart rate and anticipation.

"The door—"

"—I locked it as soon as she left," he finishes, hands skating their way up my thighs—his lips hungrily licking themselves as his eyes sparkle with lust. A sight I'll have to praise the Lord for bestowing upon me.

With one fluid movement, his thumbs glide over my panties and pull them to hang around my ankles. Yuto marvels a bit as the juices of my core flow like a river—and I fight the urge to snap them closed. Giant hands take purchase at my upper thighs with a firm grip—causing my throat to become as dry as flour. I watch as Yuto's face inches closer and closer—butterflies dipping up and down inside my stomach—before he plunges his mouth into me.

A loud moan bursts through the walls of my lips as Yuto's tongue draws lovely circles on me. Plush lips then kiss my core—before his tongue yet again laps me up like a kitten does with it's milk.

As my hands flow through his hair—cursing and muffling my moans—Yuto makes one flick of his tongue that causes me to scrunch up his hair in my fists. The locs becoming messy and disorganized in my fingers. Yuto forces my legs open again, and dips his tongue inside of me. My lower back begins to tingle as my body becomes uncontrollable, squirming and wiggling like a mouse caught between a cat's claws.

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