Taeyong didn't felt like listening to Johnny more. The thought that he and Donghyuck will be matched with mafias meant that they will be mafias themselves even though they were running from them all these years.

"So, what do you think?" Johnny was stubborn. "Can you give one of them a chance?"

"Speaking of windows," Taeyong skillfully changed the topic. "Dongsook saw one bad guy through her bedroom window." he turned his head to the assassin who, despite his boss being already here, was still sleeping. "Mark killed him and we buried it in the backyard."

"Good job, now let's get back to the dating-"

"No, I said this to you because I want the body to be far from my territory in 24 hours. I don't want to get arrested when I still need to take care of Dongsook."

"Mark will be here for her," Johnny shrugged.

"If I end up in jail, I will drag Mark with me."

"When should we take the body?"

That was fast.

"At night, of course," Taeyong chuckled. "During day time, I would like to install a better system to protect windows."

"I will get Doyoung to you. Be sure to spend time with him."



Donghyuck put the fried egg on the plate and glanced over the backyard, which now had Johnny pretending to take care of the flowers while secretly checking out a dark hump under the fence.

When he turned around, his eyes met with Mark's, who was smiling at him, looking a bit stupid to be this happy when he just woke up. He was waiting for the food more than anyone else. Donghyuck heard how his stomach growled but pretended that he didn't. Mark wasn't embarrassed by it, though.

"So, you never cooked for yourself?" Taeyong asked when he saw how Mark hungrily munched the food.

"No, I can't cook."

"You can't?" Donghyuck questioned in a teasing tone. "Not even eggs?"

"Cereal is the only food I can cook."

"You don't even have to cook it, though," Taeyong chuckled. "I guess Johnny was cooking for you all this time then."

"No, it was Doyoung. He's like mom. He nags a lot too."

"If that's the case, it means he cares about you," Taeyong explained. "I nag Dongsook too but because I love her. In short, when someone is angry at you, it means they care for your sake."

Mark's eyes shifted on the younger and Donghyuck nearly rolled his eyes.

He dug onto food, pretending that he didn't see that look. Mark just grinned at that and kicked Donghyuck's leg under the table. The boy jumped from that and gave his dad a shy smile when the latter weirdly stared at him.

Donghyuck put his feet away from Mark's reach like the last time. He didn't know that Mark predicted that. Rather than stopping it or kicking Taeyong instead of Donghyuck, Mark decided to play around. Donghyuck was unaware of the attack and turned in a sweating mess when he felt Mark's feet next to his crotch.

Donghyuck squeezed his thighs and pushed Mark's feet away with his knees.

"Put the dishes to the sink when you're finished," said Taeyong and stood up with a plate. "I have to make a call."

Taeyong walked away, leaving two boys alone.

Donghyuck put away the chopsticks and looked at Mark with a smirk. Mark seemed confused, expecting to see flushed and angry Dongsook instead of a playful one. He smiled when he felt Dongsook's feet on his chair too.

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