Chapter 1

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"Team! This is not the time to be late! You will miss your flight! Don't make your old woman yell at you on your last day here!" An old voice yelled from downstairs. Team was prepared to leave, but his heart won't let him, after all his grandma was all he had. Without her, he didn't know what he would do. Now, when his exact fear turned into reality, all he could do was go with it. Afterall, his grandma won't let him leave this amazing opportunity.

Team quickly wiped the tear stains on his cheek and put on a fake smile on his face for his grandma. He didn't want her grandma to see him crying. "Coming, ma!"

"Boy, did you cry again?" Was the first thing he heard as he came down the stairs it, but of course, it was obvious.

"Come here." Grandma softly said, and those two words were enough for Team to drop his luggage and run into his grandma's arms. He hugged the old lady as hard as she could handle, and he sobbed into his grandma's shoulder. She chuckled and patted his back. "Why are you crying? Isn't this an amazing opportunity for you? You got accepted in one of the best colleges in Thailand."

"It is so far away. I don't want to leave you alone." He sniffled.

"You are not. I have your aunt and your cousins to take care of me. And also, I have learned how to video call. So, call me. EVERYDAY. Don't forget this old woman when you get a girlfriend." She said, and they both shared a chuckle. "I won't. I promise." He said, removing his arms of his grandma and taking a step back. "Good. And here."

Her grandma walked towards to the nearby table and picks up a cuboidal box wrapped in gifting wrapper with a big pink bow and hands it to Team. Team looks and the box and then at his grandma, really confused. "What's this?"

"How did you get accepted in that university? You are really dumb. What do you think it is? Open it." Team's eyes widened as he tore the wrapper of the box and as soon as he sees it, his eyes started brimming with tears again and he bites his lower lip to control the tears from escaping.

"I can't take it. It looks too expensive." He said, looking at a rose gold iPhone in his hand. "Shut up and take it. I can't let you go with that old phone when all the students would have great mobile phones. It is indirectly an insult to me." She said gesturing the old broken phone Team had carried with him for 5 years.

"But-" He started but got interrupted. "No buts. It is my gift. So take it before I get angry." Team smiled with tears threatening to escape his eyes. "I'll cherish it."

"Good boy. Now, don't keep your mom waiting." 

"Mom's here?!" Grandma just smiled and gestured towards the door. Team ran as fast as he could. He opened the door and saw his mom standing outside in front of a taxi with tears in her eyes. Team ran towards and hugged her has hard as he could. She missed him. He missed her.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm a really bad mom." She cried as he hugged her even tighter. Grandma had the biggest grin on her face as she glanced at her daughter and her grandson together after a long time.

Team's university was far away from where he lived. That scared him the most. A new city. Alone. Without his grandma. Will he be happy? Is this what he wanted?

Team's flight landed a little later than expected. So, he took out his old phone to text her grandma with one hand because his other hand was preoccupied by a glass of frappachino. (He can't use his new phone because he didn't have the time to transfer his data and contacts to the new phone).

The next thing that happened was expected. Team bumped into a wall. Looking up from his phone, he realised it was not a wall afterall. It was person. A person on whom he just spilled his chilled coffee.

"What the hell?!"

"Shia!*" Team now was so sure that he wouldn't last a  day alone here. 

HI! I hope you liked this and I hope it made sense. I will back with an update real soon. So, stay tuned.                   

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