Chapter 21

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Guys, this is the first time I'm writing a first person POV in this story. I will probably go back to the normal story writing way but I thought that I could try writing first person POV. I will try my best. Love you<3

Team's POV

To sum it all up, I fell down the stairs (on purpose), lied about going to the hospital and then blondie caught my lie and took me to the hospital and the doctor confirmed I had fractured my ankle and I had to stay home for a week minimum. Win called my uncle even when I told him not to but he said that my uncle needed to know. Uncle came to the hospital. Yelled at me and then said he was glad I was okay. My uncle paid back the money Win had spent on my treatment. Win refused it multiple times but then my uncle threatened him. And that seemed to work. He's so scared of uncle. It's so funny to watch.

I also forgot about Teed in all the chaos and I only remembered because he called me after he reached my dorm and found noone there.

I had to beg Win to lie to Teed (which hurt my self esteem. Very much) that I already had gone to the hospital as I said. Long story short, rest of my friends got to know about the little "accident" and had called me. Multiple times. And I got yelled at a couple times more.

And I was getting yelled at again. By six people. It was very annoying.

"Team... Why are you a klutz?" Sammy said, staring at the cast on my leg.

"I.... don't know?"

"Maybe he was born like that."

"Shut up, Blondie."

"Can I draw on it?" Dew blinked and pouted which made me laugh. He seemed happy because noone had been troubling him lately.

And I would love to take credit for it.

Well ...... I told him to tell Win to pick him up for the next week or so because his "friend", who he walked home with, was away for a while and he didn't wanna walk home alone. Win seemed more than okay to oblige which was expected. That man loves his brother like crazy.

And yes.... After all that speech about how lying to Win was wrong and how he's got to know the truth, I told him to lie.

But if I had to choose between lying to my friend or let his brother get hurt, I would choose the former without any thought.

But there is one more option

A voice inside me mused.

Shut up!

I very well knew about the third option. I could tell Win about everything and let him deal with his own brother. It was none of my business and it was a win-win.

But I just... couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth.

I had lied to him more times in the past week than I ever did to anyone in my entire life. If I tell him the truth, wouldn't he hate me?

This is not about you.

I know! I know it's not about me but it matters..... a lot. Win had become a part of my life. Whether I liked it or not, I knew I cared for a brother. I cared about what he would think of me. I cared about everything which was honestly driving me crazy.

Lying to Win did make me feel like shit but just thinking about how he'll react when he realises I had been lying to him and deceiving him about something he cares so much about made me scared. Thinking about it was hurtful.

And I know, it is very selfish of me but I can't make it up to tell him. Everytime I try to get a word out, I always get cold feet or something happens. Last time I was trying to tell him, he gave me a freaking lunch box and said, "Eat well and go to sleep."

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