Chapter 24

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"..... Do you wanna come over?"


"I mean... If you're free... Maybe you could visit? I bought groceries..I can cook you something? Maybe after dinner, I'll drop you off?" Win ran a hand through his hair. He had a whole day to himself because Sunan aka Team's uncle forced him to take fewer shifts during his exams. It was like paid suspension. He spent his days off holed up in the room or helping Dew and usually he would prefer that but.... Dew wants Team around. Not his fault.

"You want me to come over?"

"Not me! Dew! He's constantly saying he misses you and it's getting really irritating. So, if you visit, he'll probably tone it down a bit." He blurted out.

"But.. I wouldn't mind either...."

"What?" Team questioned.

"Nothing! Are you free? No pressure if  don't wanna come!" Win was nervous as hell. Believe it or not, he never had to ask someone to come to his house. Only 2 people visit them. His bestfriends and he didn't even have to invite them. When they saw an opportunity, they barged in. 

Team thought for while and then replied, "I would love to come over. But.."


"I was thinking of visiting Teed. So... I can come later?" Realisation hit Win. He had totally forgot about Teed with all the chaos in the studio. Teed is sick. Maybe he should go visit too. Teed probably won't mind if he comes with Team? Why would he?

"If you don't mind, can I come too? He's my friend too. After that, we can go home together. If you don't mind!"

"Oh! That'd be great! Teed would love having you around too." Team clapped his hands, excitedly.

"So... Let's go?"

"Ya, definitely! Oh! Can we buy some fruits for him too? Maybe just pears? He loves pears!" He nodded. "Ya, sure."


Ding Dong....

"Ouch!" A loud thud was heard outside the door, like something or someone falling down. Team and Win looked at each other in confusion. "Aunty.... I told you to stop bothering me. I don't have more sugar in- OH!"

"Someone is bothering you for......sugar?" Win laughed.

"Ya, constantly! But not the point! Team, I told you not to come!" Teed whined, pulling his shirt up to cover his face. "I look like a mess!" Team took a good look at Teed. He was wearing a very oversized t-shirt and some loose shorts. He had bags under his eyes and his nose was red. He was looking very tired.

"You look fine, Mr. Model. Also, I thought about not coming but then realised that you probably miss my face. My face also has healing properties. So, I came in here to bless you." Win rolled his eyes but Teed seamed to be very pleased. 

"Thanks for coming. I did miss your face." Teed gratefully smiled.

"You won't invite us in?" Teed's eyes widened as he looked at Win.

"I'm so sorry, Phi! Just wait 2 minutes!" He quickly shut the door right to their faces. They could hear him running around the room, things falling on the ground and him cursing at objects for the next two minutes. 

Then, total Silence....

"Do you think he died inside?"

Team hit Win's arm and glared at him. "Shut up."

The door slowly opened, revealing Teed, wearing a mask. "Just... A bit of stuff in there... You can come in now." Team chuckled.

"A mask?"

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