Chapter 27

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Warning: Cringe writing ahead lmao. Read at your own risk. Also, I didn't edit it.... So...

Team panted as he closed his dorm door. He leaned his back against the door, trying to catch his breath and slow down his awfully racing heart.

It was 5 in the morning when Team woke up wrapped in Win's arms. How did that even happen when he was sleeping on the bed? Did he fall down?  Whatever it was, it would have gotten really awkward if Win woke up. Especially after......

The kiss!

Holy shit! The kiss!

He kissed fucking Win!

His first kiss!

Atleast.... First real kiss...

The realisation had hit him like a truck. So, as not to make things more awkward, (actually... He made it worse) he tried to sneak out but was immediately caught by Dew.

Why the hell was he even awake that that time?

Anyway, Team had to make a really lame excuse to run away without further questions. (He said his dog would've been hungry and then ran away. Ps: He doesn't have a dog)

And now, he was in his dorm... Trying to figure out what the fuck did he get himself into?!

Atleast he doesn't have to see Win till  next Friday because the third years were given holidays for their upcoming exams.

But what was he thinking kissing Win?!

He clearly wasn't....

Maybe because Win was such a great kisser....

Team slapped himself real hard. What was he thinking? He probably shouldn't imagine him and Win kissing! Don't think about.. Don't think about it... Don't think-

Suddenly, an image of Win panting on top of him replayed in his mind.

So hot....

No! No! No! He is not gay! He is definitely not gay! Win is just an attractive guy... And he has a guy crush on him.

Shut up! There's no such thing as "guy crush"..... He didn't know why he kissed Win but when he did it... It didn't feel wrong like he did when Alex had kissed him. That was disgusting.

When Win kissed him, everything just felt right and at the moment, he couldn't think of anything else but Win. Win made him feel great and he would've continued it if he wasn't interrupted and Team wouldn't have stopped him. It was the most euphoric moment of his life. And then....

He apologized. He fucking apologized!

Win would've felt awful to be dismissed without an explanation. He really wanted to try and explain that this was new to him and it felt weird but in a great way. And he would be willing to take things further on the future.

He really liked Win. Romantically or not. He knew that he had a great appreciation for Win. And he was, for sure, attracted to him. Even tho he dismissed it, the sexual tension between them was very much real.

So... What is this supposed to mean?

"Oh my god, Team! There you are!" Sammy sighed in relief and dragged Team to their lunch table. Team glanced at Win to see him avoiding eye contact. They hadn't talked in five days. Team tried to text him but every message was deleted.

This was not how it was supposed to turn out. He really liked Win as a friend. But because of a stupid kiss, it is gonna be awkward.

"Seriously, Team. You are a savior." Team quickly looked at Yacht. Best thing to do right now? Pretend everything is normal.

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