Chapter 8

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"Hey, Chubbs! Stop! Come back!"

Team was shocked at all the attention he got. Girls, and even guys, looked in Team's way and back at the annoying jerkhead of a blonde. People started whispering, resulting in Team to stomp back towards the car.


Win pulled his head outside the car window with a sly smirk on his face. "Take care of yourself, sweetheart." Win blowed a kiss.

Team made a disgusted face. "EW! That's why you called me back?"

"Ya, sweetie. Don't make me worried, ok? Be a nice kid, alright?" Win patted Team's head and burst out laughing when he saw Team's disgusted but embarrassed expression.

'What is wrong with him?' Team thought. He was beyond embarrassed. He could hear people whispering stuff to each other. He was annoyed at the attention he got but he could feel himself sweating.


"Aww, don't be like that sweetheart! Daddy will buy you cookies after school, ok?" Win was clearly enjoying this. He could feel Team's frustration so, he decided to stop teasing the junior.

Cookies! Team remembered the cookies he had prepared for the blonde. Well, he didn't prepare it but still.

Team was having second thoughts about giving his precious cookies to an asshole like him.

'Never! The beautiful cookies don't deserve this kind of treatment!'

"I'm sorry, Chubbs."

But again, he did help Team last night and today. Team didn't know how longer he would have slept if the blonde didn't wake him up. Because of him waking Team up earlier, he also had chance to eat his breakfast.


Team didn't reply but he pulled his backup and zipped it open, searching for the box of cookies.

"I'm sorry, ok. Chubbs...... Chubbs!"

When Team finally found the box, he quickly handed it to the senior and turned away without saying a word.

He could hear the whispers getting louder as he walked towards the entrance. He looked over to his side to see a group of girls staring at him.

So, this is what his uncle meant by Win being popular.

'With this attention, it looks like I'm going to bullied instead of graduating in peace.' He thought as he entered the school.

Win was dumbfounded as he stared at the box and back at the junior. 'What the heck? Is this some kind of prank? Could be.' Win knew he annoyed the kid everytime they met so, it could be revenge.

'I should be careful.'



"Dude, you have been staring at the box for way too long! What is in there any-"

Win slapped away his bestfriend, Yacht's hand away from the box which was casually sitting on the cafeteria table.

Yacht turned his head towards the girl sitting beside Win with a confused look on his face.

"No use. I already tried." Samantha replied. The girl shrugged her shoulders. Samantha carelessly twirled her long brown hair with her bored brown eyes stuck on her mobile screen but she was flirtatiously smiling at her phone.

Yacht narrowed his dark eyes at the her, suspiciously.

"Why would he give me something? I thought he hated me." Yacht turned his head from Samantha back to his weird bestfriend.

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