|5| The Interview

Start from the beginning

"That's sweet. She seems like she's real as hell."

"Doesn't hold her tongue. She probably told you she only gave you the job because I put in a word."

"Yeah. But, I can tell she's already trying to help me out."

"She's like that. You'll love her. Just don't make her kill you."

"I hope I'm a dope ass mom like her."

"Whenever you're ready, just let me know. We can have some lil half breed rugrats."

"Don't think I'm having sex with you because you got me a job."

"That's not what I'm thinking. I don't want sex from you. I want to get to know you better. I can get sex anywhere." He stated. She felt embarrassed for saying it and a little jealous at the thought of him with another woman.

"Well aren't you just Mr. Popular?"

"Sometimes. It comes with being a rich kid."

"I bet you're spoiled. Mrs. Rodriguez probably cooks every morning and night for you guys and sticks up for you when it comes to your dad."

"Yep. My moms is the dopest around." He said with a smile. "She can pretty much get me out of any trouble when it comes to my dad."

"Wish I had a mother." She replied with her head down.

"What happened...if you don't mind me asking?"

"She left me at a police station and never returned. I found out she hung herself in prison."

"Damn Chris. I'm sorry." He looked down at her.

"You didn't do anything. It's whatever. I never knew her to feel bad. I'm just hurt I didn't have a mother who wanted me. You're lucky to have two parents. I was tossed in and out of foster homes. I went through all kind of ungodly shit."

"Well, I'm going to look out for you."

"I don't want your charity Naris. You've done enough with having your mom give me the job."

"It's not charity Christina. I told you, I was really starting to feel you." He admitted again.

"It's kind of hard for me to trust you on that."

"I'll give you a week to think about it then. Let's go. My moms will beat me if you don't get trained." He lead her to his work area and got in a desk next to him.

"You gonna be able to focus with me next to you?"

"Hell no. But it's worth a shot." He smiled. He did some things on the computer then walked over to the copier. He took the paper from it and quickly slid it through the lamination machine. "Your name tag." He turned to see her looking all over the building.

"Damn. That's quick." She smiled. He placed the tag on her cubical and lead her to the break room.

"You choose a locker, we supply the lock. Each team has their own fridge, so your lunch is pretty safe here. No one ever has issues with missing lunch. You'll get an hour lunch, Two fifteens, and sometimes if my parents are feeling nice, they'll get an extra break scheduled in." He explained to her then lead her around the entire floor introducing her to her new life.

"This place is dope as fuck. I should be able to get me a place soon." She said as they sat outside eating subway on their lunch break.

"Where are you staying?" He asked.

"With friends." She replied.

"Like different places, different nights? Or you and your friends live in one spot together?"

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