|26| Take Care

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Two weeks later

Natasha and Tjay were both passed out in their bed. Shayy stopped by for the day to allow them to get some sleep. Natasha called her early, begging for some sleep. Being the type of mother she was, she showed up soon after. Most mothers would tell you it's a part of parenting but the Rodriguez kids were spoiled. Shayy wanted to spend some time with her grandchild anyways.

Shayy bathe, feed and burped Nala. She stayed awake for about half an hour, then soon she was knocked out like her parents. Shayy smiled at her grandchild as she placed her in the living room crib. She put the baby monitor close by and headed back in the kitchen. She looked through the cabinets and saw that they needed to go grocery shopping, desperately. She could never see her cabinets being this empty.

She found a box of angel hair pasta and Alfredo sauce in the almost bare cabinets. She opened the freezer and refrigerator and was equally disappointed. Natasha would be getting told off about this. There was no reason for a man to have an empty kitchen when he had a wife. A man of Tjay's size could definitely eat. She could see that the only home cooked meals he'd eaten were the ones she cooked. She shook her head at the thought.

She pulled the half used bag of medium shrimp out the freezer. She threw it in some water to thaw out and began boiling water for the pasta and shrimp. She seasoned the shrimp water with the few seasonings they did have there. In the end, she made a pretty decent shrimp Alfredo pasta. Once she was done, she checked in on Nala.

With everyone still knocked out and the food still heated on the stove, she decided to clean. They were definitely new parents. Things were everywhere and the place was a mess. She cleaned everywhere except their bedroom. Floors were mopped and swept, laundry was done and the house smelled fresh. She was glad they had cleaning products.

Two hours later, Natasha got up and walked into the living room. She looked around and was surprised that her mess was cleaned up. She could smell the food and the cleanliness. She sat on the couch next to her mom, who was holding Nala.

"Hi mommy." Natasha laid her head on Shayy's shoulder and reached over for Nala's little hand. She ran her finger over Nala's knuckles.

"I'm going to kick your ass." Shayy blurted out. She was seriously upset about the way this place looked.

"Why?" Natasha lifted her head to look at her mother.

"This place was a mess and why the hell aren't there any groceries?" Shayy looked at her like she was crazy.

"We've been busy. We've been eating carryout." Natasha tried to explain.

"Your ass is married now with a husband who is working his ass off. You better get your ass to a grocery store and start cooking around here. Baby or no baby, that should be done. You're going to have to find a balance. I don't mind watching her."

"I know. I know. But, I still shouldn't be out the house, so...."

"I'll do the grocery shopping for the next couple of weeks but your ass is cooking. Gone in there and eat and make a list of foods y'all like." Shayy continued giving Nala her attention. She cooed at Shayy. "I know baby, Nana wants to hit your crazy mother too."

"Whatever. Y'all ain't ganging up on me." Natasha laughed.

"Uh huh. Are you going to teach her Spanish?"

"I haven't decided yet. I think it would be effective for her future but we barely speak Spanish in this family." Natasha returned with a plate full of pasta.

"I think you should. They learn quicker while they're young."

"Well then, I guess I will. I haven't had to have a Spanish conversation in so long." Natasha laughed. "Daddy didn't want me or Naris to speak Spanish at all. But, that's what school and friends were for."

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