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I quickly dried my eyes with the blanket that I'm guessing someone gave me when I passed out. Sat up and looked for my phone. I found it lying on the floor and quickly picked it up.
It read 8:24, and I'm guessing I'm the first one up since it was awfully quiet.
Pulled off the blanket and noticed I was still in my jeans.
And... I... probably smell pretty bad. So I crept into the extra room where I left my suitcase.
I've slowly opened the door and immediately noticed my bag on the carpeted floor.
And two furs were sleeping on the bed.
Upon further inspection, I recognized Brandon and Mason. God, they are just.... love birds.
Yeah, that fits them.
I opened the door a little more and squeezed inside, good thing the door doesn't squeak like at my house.
Crouched down and slowly started to unzip my bag.
I winced when it still made noise no matter how slow I went.
When it was completely open I quickly swiped a pair of gym shorts and a band tee. I held the clothes to my chest and sighed in relief, which got me a grunt from I'm guessing Mason.
In which it caused me to quickly cover my mouth and drop my clothes.
Cursed under my breath and quickly picked them up again and scurried out of there before I could cause any more damage.
I explored a little bit and eventually found a bathroom.
Locked the door and stripped my clothes, folding them and setting them on the counter. Started the shower and walked in when it was a comfortable temperature.
God... I love water. I may even think of being a swimmer someday.
I didn't want to get too comfortable since I usually take long showers. So I turned it off and grabbed a towel.
Quickly drying my head fur and wrapping it around my waist.
Combed my head fur a bit, not giving it too much attention before pulling the tee over my head and putting on my shorts.
Stepped out of the bathroom and sighed, feeling the cool air from outside the bathroom.
Turned the hallway corner and froze when I saw Sky, or "Kitten", sitting ever-so casually on the couch, looking right at me.

- " Hey bro! May I talk to you for a minute? ". He said. A million thoughts of the outcome ran through my head.

- " Um.... Yea.. Sure.. What's up?". I said in the most casual way I could muster.

He chuckled and patted the spot next to him, I looked at him blankly before noticing what he's signaling me to do.
I jumped a bit and hesitated before walking over and sitting on the cushion right next to him.
A little closer than what I'm used to but, it's Sky. He's probably used to cuddling 24/7.

- " So... Did you sleep well?". He asked. I nodded my head and he frowned a bit.

- " Damien.... You were scurrying quite a bit last night... Is something wrong?".

I shrugged and looked off to the side. I know exactly what's wrong.
But I think it's a bit too early to spill my feelings. I felt my eyes water a bit... damn, I'm weak.
He grabbed my hands with both of his and I turned to look at him, my face heating up a bit but I still felt water in my eyes.

- " Damien, please tell me what's going on, I know you didn't come all the way here for nothing, and it really bothers you. I'm Sky, you can trust me...".
He said in the softest and comfortable tone which made me a little less tense. And just like that, the flood gates opened.

- " I have a guy in my class... h-h-he's really cute and I-I-I haven't come out to anyone yet, not even my parents... h-h-h-he's like one in an m-million... I'm terrified of him rejecting... m-m-me.... ", by now, there were tears streaming down my cheeks, and I was sobbing as I lowered my head and looked down at the floor.
Then, he did something I haven't felt in a long time..

He hugged me, tight.

"Well first off, you just came out to me. you never told me you were gay, Amare."

Oh shit. I froze mid sniffle for a moment, then continued to gently cry on his shoulder, while he held my hand.

- " Don't worry... It will be hard. But you need to accept yourself and don't give up hope. Let me tell you how I found X. A little storytime, yeah? " I paused and nodded, but still leaned against him as he told me his life story.


After about 20 minutes, we sat in comfortable silence as I leaned on his shoulder. God.... I thought I had it hard...
He was bullied, alone, and this " Jason " guy, jeez, he was a dick.
I felt so bad for thinking my life was bad compared to his. After another minute or two he got off the couch and crouched down in front of me, looking up into my eyes with a confident smile.

- " I will be there with you the whole way, Damien. Don't forget me, yeah?" I nodded slightly and smiled a bit myself. Wow... what a great guy.

- " Thank you... Kitten.." I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say that but I did anyway.

He giggled a bit and stood up, planting a small kiss on my forehead, making me blush like I never had before.

- " No problem Amare..." he said and disappeared to wake up everyone else. And I was left there to think of what the hell just happened.

Sprinkles Of Hope ( A Gay Furry Story ) ( Boy x Boy )Where stories live. Discover now