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I've been awakened by the sun that was shining through the curtains, making me feel tired and almost making me blind since the sun rays were going into my eyes, I then groaned in annoyance

Noah woke up because of my groan and kept me close to him, hearing his heartbeat

"Good morning Honey" Noah says

"Good morning babe" I say

We get out of bed and we change clothing

"Hey, we have a couple of hours and the school events will end and we will have to be there in time today.." I say

"Well, we should go in an hour I guess"


I and Noah went to the cafeteria and ate breakfast

Then Jess and Nicolas came along with us and ate too

It's been around half an hour and we already had to go since the school events ended a little early

We've hopped in the car and Jess and Jack came next to our car


"Oh hi Nicolas, Jess"

"Hello! What are you guys doing?" Jess asks

"Well, we have to go to school since the school events end today and they actually end earlier than we expected so we have to hurry, we have about two hours to get to school," I say

" Well then! Here's my number, so that we can keep in touch" Jess says

"Alright! Talk to you later" I say

I then start the engine and we go


~After an hour of driving~

After an hour of driving, we're finally home... Damien's home exactly, since I left my stuff there last time

Sprinkles Of Hope ( A Gay Furry Story ) ( Boy x Boy )Where stories live. Discover now