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I woke up, feeling the wetness of my pillow from my tears. I groaned and rolled over to look at my clock. 9:23, good, I didn't really want to go to school anyway.. Checked my phone, and immediately my ears perked up seeing it was a message, a message from Noah. I clicked open and sighed when I read his message.

- "Dude, where are you? Sick? ". Good, so he still... Respect... Me. I thought for a minute before replying.

- "Yea, woke up feeling like crap. Don't worry about me though." I hesitated and clicked send. Almost immediately, my phone buzzed again. But it wasn't a text, it was a call. From an unknown number.. I thought about what my mom said about " Stranger danger " but I don't really care, it could be important, right?
I clicked the answer and was startled by all the background noise.

- " H-Hello?..." Was all I heard from the other end. For some reason I felt like I've heard that voice before..

- " Uhm... Who's this..?" I sounded curious but trailed off a bit.

- " Hhm... Is this Damien?..." Okay... So this person knows me..

- " Y-Yes?... Who's this?.." I heard him giggle a little bit on the other end.

- " I can't believe you still use the same number dude.... After all these years!"

He still didn't answer my question.

" So....? Who is this then?...." I was a bit frightened to be honest.

" Awe c'mon! It's Sky! Remember me?.."

Oh my god... It was him! Sky was like my best friend back in 7th grade. even though he's a whole 5 years older then me! He was a white and light blue wolf senior at the time! And I was having trouble... socializing . So, he basically took me in. We got along really nicely, he was pretty much like a Senpai to me. When he left I was a wreck at first.. But I got a few friends as the years rolled by.
Well, not much anymore after last night..

- " Sky... Sky! Oh my GODI missed you...! Y-You have no idea..!" All the memories came flooding back, and it was a bit overwhelming..

- " Yea well... I'm sorry about that mate.. I missed you too... But I got busy, REALLY busy.." Just his voice made me happy and comfortable..

- " It's okay.. I'm doing better than when you last saw me.. I guess. Hey uhm... why all the background noise?.. What's happening?.." I added a nervous chuckle at the end of that.

- " Oh... Well, I'm on a boat right now, with my husband. And there's a live show at the hella expensive restaurant next to our room.. So yea.."

- "...O-Oh... I uhm... Didn't know.. you ... were... uh...." I heard a chuckle at my loss of words.

- " Don't worry about it! Being gay isn't a bad thing, is it?"

- " N-n-no!.. I-it just.. Caught me off guard.. Sorry.."

- "Well... Okay.. Sorry about that mate."

- " D-Don't sweat it... Where are you two headed?"

- " Australia to see his parents and to just kinda.. hang out.. Pretty much. "

We went on and on about what's been happening, just kinda catching up with each other's lives, and to be honest, listening to him made me happy..

- " Hey... I got a good idea.."

- " What's up in the sky?" What's up in the sky? Really?

- " Well... We'll be in Australia in a few days, you should totally meet us there!.. I'm sure X would like to meet you as well..!"

Australia?... I can't just drop everything and leave!.... But... It's like, a one in a lifetime opportunity.. And he's got his hopes up.. I can't so no...

- " ...I-I mean.. Yea sky.. That would be lovely... I'm just... Gonna have to convince my mom that's all...." The plane tickets weren't much of a problem, I was an only child after all.

- " Well.. Let me know okay?... I'd love to see you..."

I sighed.

- " I'll try my hardest... Really.." We both paused, knowing our phone call was about it come to an end. But then he spoke, breaking the silence.

- " Hey, uhhh, I have a little present I want to give you..." He said, brightening the mood. My ears perked a little, confused.

- " A present?..."

- " Yeah!.." He was really excited it seemed.

- " Well.. What is it?.."

- " A nickname.."

- "Huh..?"

- " A nickname!".

I was a bit embarrassed to be honest, I wasn't expecting this.

-"....O-Okay?... What is it?.." He giggled a little

- " Amare.."

- "Amare? What does that mean?.."

- " It's Latin "

- " Latin for what?.."

-" Love " he hummed a little, proud of his choice. I blushed a little bit.. I loved it...

- "... Uhm.... T-thanks... B-but I want to give you a nickname too! To make it fair..!"

- " Well... X calls me kitten. I think that's good enough, eh?" He just did my work for me, my mind was blank and " kitten " seemed to fit him nicely. There was a bit of a pause, so I took my turn to break the silence.

- " W-Well... I'll go pack and beg my mom I guess... Have fun... Kitten.." I giggled a little bit.

- " Yea.. You too.. Goodbye Amare!.." I blushed so hard right then

But before I could say something back, he hung up. I felt... Relieved.. I would be able to take a break from all the school and stress, and also get to meet my long time friend, my ... " Senpai ".
I giggled at the thought and hummed as I went through some of my stuff. Things were honestly... looking up.

Sprinkles Of Hope ( A Gay Furry Story ) ( Boy x Boy )Where stories live. Discover now