Chapter 22: Possessive

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Waking up in the middle of an uncomfortable dream wasn't necessarily a great feeling, but it was a relief. It wasn't a nightmare as I wasn't scared, yet it was filled with thoughts I wasn't happy about dreaming.

Everything was a blur. I was staring in a mirror, my body a mesh of tiny bleeding holes growing redder only to look up and see that it wasn't me I was looking at, it was my mom. The holes looked like tiny, tiny poke marks... injection marks... track marks. The holes started growing black veins around them and grew larger and larger until blackness devoured her skin- no wait, my skin, wait, then Cassidy's- but the blackness wasn't her skin, it was her hair, her dark hair; and then she was bent over a desk, a man's hands feeling her waist and she was smiling but the man's face was a blur, hold on- it was Doctor Crane- before I looked back down at Cassidy to see it was me instead and I wasn't smiling, I was crying, and then I looked back up at the man to see the Joker, laughing harshly, menacingly, gripping my hips with sharp fingers that dug into my skin, roughly fucking me. I heard more giggles and I looked back down to see myself in hysterics, crying with laughter, then both Joker and I stopped laughing when a door opened and in the doorway stood a man that was familiar to me, with greying brown hair and ocean blue water for skin, bleeding down his face until he melted into a puddle of red, like candle wax, and everything went black...

And then I woke up, only to see black again. I was breathing heavily, my blankets pushed off of me and I was freezing, absolutely ice cold. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and looked out of the window to see it still pitch black, and then at my digital clock to be told that it was gone 1am. I didn't long ago just fall asleep.

Weird dream.

"You-ah, talk like that in your sleep again and you'll, uh, wake mommy up." A dark, gravelly yet comical voice said in a hushed tone from my desk chair and I jumped, gasping heavily. Familiar giggling came from the person's mouth and the moonlight lit up half of his face, to see the Joker all decked out in his attire.

I pressed my hand to my chest, my heart hammering heavily. "Jesus Christ, J, you scared the living hell outta me."

The Joker shrugged casually and grinned. "I hear that a lot these days," He said, leaning forward on the chair. I ran my hands through my hair and sat up in my bed, trying to catch my breath. "You, uh, not sleeping well?" He asked me, pursing his lips in unfamiliar concern.

"Where the hell were you?" I change the subject immediately, staring at him, filled with what could've potentially been betrayal and hurt. Was I just his fuck n' chuck? "I haven't seen you for a week and you don't even try to bother to contact me."

Joker smacked his lips."I'm a busy man, sweet pea. Got-ah, places to go, people to, uh, see. Ooh, that rhymed," He giggled to himself in amusement before turning serious. "You can't get all attached if you, uh, know what you're committing to, Stell."

"Trust me, I wish I wasn't." I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Now, now, uh, toots. That is not the hello I'm looking for," He childishly scolded me, tapping the bridge of my nose and I blinked furiously. "C'mon. You, uh, wanna play nice?" Joker stood from the desk chair and climbed on the bed, making me shake my head shyly.

"Joker, don't. N-not right now. I don't want to-" I fretted, putting my hands on his shoulders as he got on top of me, gently straddling me.

He shushed me and pressed a finger to my lips. "Shh, I'm not gonna."

"Then what're you-"

"I said shush, Stella. I suggest you do as you're, uh, told," He whispered, placing a kiss delicately on my lips. I did as I was told, stayed quiet, and kissed him back like I was supposed to. Like I wanted to. God, I couldn't ignore him. I was mad at him but I wanted him far too much. He paused and reached up to caress my cheeks curiously, prodding and poking, almost as if he were a child just fiddling about. "I wanted to, uh, see how my girl's holding up."

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