Chapter 8: The Missing Vodka Bottle

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I shut the front door and leant against it tiredly, heaving out a sigh. Another day of school, another day of stress, anxiety and high expectations. I swear- to them enough just wasn't enough. I try as hard as I can and they keep screaming 'try harder'. And when you finally get that A, they have suspicions that you're cheating, or maybe you're too clever and you're learning things wrong. School honestly just needed to chill the hell out.

I yawned and ran a hand through my hair, kicking off my shoes. I made my way over to the kitchen and searched through the cupboards for something to eat; like a granola bar or a packet of Haribos. Something stupid and small but appetising. I shovelled through various cans of beans and pasta before finding a packet of Malteasers at the back. I pulled it out and checked the best before date, then shrugged. Still edible.

I ate a few Malteasers and paced around the kitchen to kill time. I was thinking about what to do tonight- maybe watch Lord of the Rings or do some painting. I haven't painted in a while, I thought to myself. Or I could just browse the internet and scare myself by searching up pictures of sharks. Sharks creeped me out but they were so fascinating and cool, I couldn't help myself. I lightly chortled in laughter to myself.

I looked through the drinks cupboard to look for a small bottle of Vodka or heck, even just a simple can of Coke. Anything would do, I'd just much rather the Vodka right now. I searched through the cupboard to find the small bottle I'd claimed as mine, but I couldn't find it. I pondered where it went. Did mom drink it? No, she didn't like Vodka. She preferred Malibu and besides, she would've taken the bigger bottle if she was desperate. Anyway, where was her Malibu? That wasn't their either. No- my Vodka. Did I drink it? I tried to recall the last time I'd drunk alcohol but it was actually quite a while ago. At a party I really didn't want to attend.

"Where the heck..." I mumbled under my breath, scratching my head tiredly in thought. Then I heard a noise. A subtle thump from upstairs. I nearly jumped out of my own skin but then I drooped my eyes boredly, having a perfectly clear idea of who took my drink. I glanced up at the ceiling, sighed, and turned to make my way upstairs.

I marched up each step, letting the someone in my room know I was coming and that I was annoyed. As I stormed down the corridor, I heard a low giggle then a little "Uh oh." before I swung my bedroom door open.

Even though I knew what was happening, I still got frightened by the sight of the Joker sprawled out on my bed, drinking rawly from my mom's bottle of Malibu. I let out a surprised yelp and slammed my hand to my chest, angrily slamming the door.

Joker gulped his mouthful and breathed out, grinning. "Oh, you made it. I, uh, thought it took you a while. Nice day at school?"

My eyes widened in anger and I crossed my eyebrows, fists clenched. "What the hell are you doing here? And why are you drinking from our cupboard?!"

The Joker groaned as he sat up, kicking his shoes off. I didn't really appreciate how he tossed them across the room by the door, making the cream carpet muddy. He'd already made himself at home and took his jacket off which was slung over my desk chair. I was boiling with frustration at the sight of his face paint on my pillows and if I hadn't known any better, I would've slapped his stupid smirk right off his face.

He clicked his tongue and licked his lips, pursing them together. "I wanted to, uh, talk. Y'know, seeing as you're my new, uh, therapist," He said, moving his hair from his face. "And I figured you needed to-ah, loosen up. Have a drink."

Sadly, he was right. I did need to loosen up, but I didn't appreciate that he knew I needed to. He was the main reason I needed to loosen up. I looked at him to see him glance suggestively at my desk. On my desk was my smaller bottle of Vodka, the one missing from the cupboard.

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