Chapter 13: The Agenda

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My mom strode proudly into the living room, her blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. She wore a tight fitting red dress, which pushed up her sorrowfully semi saggy chest and these red heels which made her seem taller. She'd applied seductive red lipstick, and dark shadowy eye makeup. It was enough for me to take off my headphones and put down my book as she gave a little twirl to me and placed a hand on her hip.

"What do you think?" She asked, grinning.

"Where are you going?" I asked. Lately, I felt like I'd barely seen her anymore.

"A... party. With my co-workers," She slowly said, her answer sounding like more of a question. "It's a job thing."

I knew she was lying, but I didn't dare question it. She had a smile on her face and I supposed that was as good as any lie she told me, although I did find her disloyalty a little offensive. So, spitefully, I returned a lie back.

"You look great, mom." I smiled, my lying tongue hiding behind my smiling cheeks. The poor middle aged woman was dressing like a teenager, and I felt dreadful to think it did not look good.

She giggled. "I most likely won't be back by tonight. I'll stay over a friend's." She said carelessly, checking herself out in the mirror.

I frowned, a weight full of rejection sitting on my shoulders. "I thought we were gonna get food at the Bistro tomorrow morning."

She hissed problematically through her teeth and shook it off with a laugh. "Eek! I forgot. Oh, sweetheart, I'll be hungover. I'll take you next weekend."

I put my headphones back on and shrugged, picking my book back up again. "Whatever." I grumbled.

My music was loud enough to block out her words and all I saw were gestures and smiles as she waved, walking out of the door and into the night. If I didn't enjoy my own company as much, I'd say I felt neglected.

And then the front door clicked shut.

I was planning to be alone, but instead, looking down at my contacts list, I texted the person I swore to myself I'd only ever ask for if I were in a dire situation, as a last resort. I hesitated, I honestly tried, but yearning itched at me. It'd been a week and five days, and I needed to vent out to someone before I burst, someone to control how many drinks I had or hold my hair whilst I threw up (which I knew he wouldn't do) in worst cases.

I pressed the call button and took my headphones out, holding my ear to my phone. The receiving beeps cracked through and I waited, anxiously nibbling on the sleeve of my fondly worn turtleneck. To think I hated wearing them at one point.

"Hellooo-ah?" Joker's comical voice playfully rang through in a sing song voice, and I bit my lip.

"Listen, I know I, um... I know I wanted you away from me and all but... I'm... lonely. Uh... could you come over?" I hesitantly asked, my shyness evident. "I..." I thought my next words carefully. "I need careless company."

"Well, look who came crawling back! Ain't this a surprise? You want to see me and you're asking me for permission- well I'll be damned," He teased, then cleared his throat. "What about your mom?"

I gritted my teeth. "Went out."

"Y'know, it sounded like you didn't even wanna see me dead last time we, uh, hung out," He sighed and groaned loudly in thought, and I could imagine his scars stretch as he pursed his lips. "Okay, okay, alright. I'll be over in a while," He said. "Oh, and if you've got a gun ready to shoot me in the face, I advise you put it down, princess. I, uh, dodge bullets quicker than you think. And you'll be damn sorry you missed."

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