Chapter 23: My Favourite Colour

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Joker was feeling very optimistic. Despite not particularly liking people, he was with his favourite person in the whole world besides Batman, his favourite girl- his girl- and today, he had her all to himself. The Joker and Stella were in her room, her mother away at support group. Joker didn't understand what was so addictive about Stella, so alluring. This girl was a bitch. She was stubborn, she was nosy, and she was reluctant. Defiant. Annoying at times. Yet she was sexy, and beautiful and sometimes he wanted nothing more than to just grab her neck and eat her all up.

And she was willing to let him do just that. Maybe that was the best part.

The Joker grinned confidently as he sat against the headboard of Stella's cramped, single bed, hands behind his head casually. She sat on her desk chair and swivelled around childishly, pushing her desk for support with each turn. He smirked to himself and chuckled at the times she'd nearly toppled over. She was just something else. No, nothing like any other girl he'd met before. She was sane in the most insane way possible. Logical when it came to illogical topics.

He found the half empty lemonade bottle sat on the bedside table and took a quick gulp out of it.

"Any, uh, plans for Easter break?" He asked, rolling up his sleeves. Stella loved his arms. They looked so strong and muscular. And his skin tone was so nice. His arms were the type she wouldn't mind have squeeze the life out of her, as long as they were his arms. His arms were just so... tender looking. They looked like... like home.

They could also break your neck within a second if you screw up, she thought.

Impressed and pleased by how handsome he looked in his waistcoat at that very moment, she shook her head at his question.

He just nodded and silence fell yet again- except for the squeaking of the spinning swivel chair.

The Joker cleared his throat to catch her attention. With every turn she made she tried to look at him, but still she listened. Despite feeling annoyed at the lack of her attention, he couldn't help but watch her. Just stare. She looked half dressed, but she was at home, she didn't quite bother with proper clothes. She wore these black knee socks that clung to her thighs, and under her slightly oversized shirt he caught himself staring at her black lace panties. The want to whip them off and just stick his face between her legs was absolutely insane and he even thought of drooling when the thought came to mind. A feeling came over him and he crossed one leg over the other, shoving his hands discreetly over his crotch, trying to hide the excitement of his... package?

He smiled to distract himself. "Do you, uh, wanna come over my place? My, uh, home?"

Stella's swivel chair slowed down and eventually stopped. She looked at him with an unamused face. "I can't." She easily reasoned, her grey eyes awkwardly clicking with his.

Joker wouldn't take no for an answer. It wasn't fair. He wanted her for himself, he was sick of climbing through a fucking window and having to keep his mouth shut because her mommy had control issues. He wanted her where he could just have her, whenever he wanted, with only the flick of his wrist.

Besides, he had a bigger bed at home.

"Why not?" He whinged.

"Because it's a ridiculous idea."

"No it's not," He scoffed. "It'd be great. You'd be all mine for two whole weeks. And you, uh, know how much I hate sharing my toys." He ended with a playful smile and Stella could only sigh. She knew he was being honest.

"I can't just pick up and leave. In case you haven't realised, my mom still has no idea you're here and I'm sure she'd notice if I just took off and left," She objected to his suggestion, resting her chin on her knees she held to her chest. "I know it's Easter break but... it's impractical. And really, really bad timing..." She said, her mom's drug abuse drifting past her mind.

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