Chapter 20: Heroin

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Usually, I'd hate waking up. Grey ceiling, grey light, grey walls... grey day. But this morning was different, my room had a golden tint from the welcoming sunshine, I felt warm yet achey all over from memories of the night prior, and I woke up with a smile on my face. For once, I felt happy.

I found myself staring at the wall against my bed, which seemed unusually close. I felt cramped and slightly claustrophobic... until I realised why. I felt a slight weight pressed up against my back, and something rested fondly and loyally on my shoulder, as well as a hugging warmth around my middle, and light snoring from behind me explained why.

I slightly shifted my head to the side and found my nose touching somebody else's. I smiled and bit my lip. It was Jack. Or Joker? Who knew, he might've changed his mind. His chin was resting on my shoulder, his eyes still shut, and his chest was pressed up tightly against my back, allowing me to feel his every breath. His arms curled around my torso, hugging me closer like I was a comfort blankie, which was kinda strange to say about him. There was also a different weight pushed up against my nude backside, something that was now, to me, quite familiar... and I blushed.

Still, I was happy and ecstatic, although not to mention, sore. My wrists hurt from tight grabbing and my thighs ached from all the twisting and pulling, and also some different, more sensitive areas stung a bit.

I gently grasped Joker's hands and pulled them away from my stomach, letting me free and allowing me to turn onto my other side. I bit my tongue as even the slightest flip hurt; a promise that he had told me the night before. I laid on my side, looking at him. He looked so innocent. I would've said normal if he weren't wearing his paint and if his hair wasn't still green. I softly sighed, reaching over to brush some strands out of his closed eyes. It was a shame he had to be a horrible, vile person, he was just so gorgeous. Killing and destroying and being the psycho criminal that he was, it really made me sad. He was so handsome and strong and even gentle when he wanted to be, but then he had to be... who he was. At the end of the day, he was a double package. You either had him and the Joker, or none at all. And it upset me.

"How long've you been staring at me?" Joker suddenly mumbled, eyes still shut. My stomach dropped in shock, he'd near terrified me.

I let go of a heavy breath I didn't even realise I was holding. "Jesus Christ, Jack, you scared me." I said.

He opened his eyes tiredly and smiled a little. He groaned lethargically as he stretched out his limbs and then yawned before propping himself up by resting his cheek against his hand, his elbow on the pillow. I slowly smiled as I ducked further under the covers, hiding my bare shoulders and everything below that. "G'morning." He casually hummed.

"Morning." I timidly smiled and hugged the covers to my skin. I caught myself staring at his exposed chest, muscular and well toned and slightly tanned and I wanted to stop, dammit.

He smacked his lips and gazed at me through drooped, tired lids. "Stell, I don't, uh, see why you're trying to hide under the covers. I, uh, saw everything."

I bit my lip. "I'm... cold?" I attempted, but he only tutted and rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"Cold hearted. You're already, uh, hiding from me," He poked fun at me, faking a pout. "Let me loook." He grinned along in a sing-song voice, his hands finding my hips under the covers and sliding up.

I squealed in laughter and clawed at his hands. "Jack-Joker! Oh my God, stop!" I giggled as I thrashed about, his hands purposely tickling me. I squeezed my eyes shut as I continued laughing, my hands grabbing at his shoulders as he pulled me closer to him. "Stooop!" I mewled, hitting his shoulders playfully.

He began laughing mischievously as he flipped onto his back and I went with him, laying on top of him with our chests pressed together. I stopped laughing out of shock and he grinned suggestively at me. "Well this is, uh, nice, ain't it?"

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