Chapter 18: Belongings

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"So tell me, uh, sweet pea," Joker mockingly mumbled into my ear as he loomed behind me, his voice a mere whisper that uttered nothing but a dare and a mouthful of lust. I shivered and suppressed a grin as I shuffled in my desk chair, his hands on my shoulders as he massaged my shoulder blades endearingly. I chewed on my pen and felt as every finger dug into every aching crevice on my neck and shoulders, causing me to shut my eyes and lose myself for a moment. But then he spoke. "How'd you like to come see a, uh, firework show?" He distractedly brushed his lips and nose against my skin, nuzzling my neck, but all I did was think about what type of 'fireworks' he would be setting off, rather than focusing on the pleasurable tickling of kisses down my neck. Fireworks- like, Gotham General, for example, or perhaps the GCPD. You just never knew with him.

I turned my head slightly sideways, but still not enough to see his full face, which was, as usual, all decked out in his whole clown paint and getup. "Uh... now?" I asked.

"Yeah," Joker simply said, standing back behind me. He was tall enough to rest his chin on my head and his right hand slipped over my shoulder to pick the pen from my hand, placing it down in my study book. "Come on. Why'd you gotta study for?"

"To pass my exams." I retorted.

"Psht," He scoffed. "All they do is give you a mark and congratulations, you're gonna be spending the next forty years of your life working for nothing until you grow old and die. Not, uh, something you're looking forward to, right?" Joker rhetorically asked me, inhaling the scent of my hair. I shuddered again.

"Not... really, but-"

"Exactly. Have a little adventure. Now, put on your shoes and we'll go." Joker urged me, slinking over to my bed and lazily laying down on it.

"I'm... um, I haven't got a bra on." I admitted sheepishly, looking down awkwardly.

"That's even better," He carelessly said, causing my brows to raise. He wasn't saying it to intentionally make me laugh or cheer me up, but to hurry me, rather, as he seemed tired of waiting around and debating with me. "Now c'mon, let's go."


"It's a secret, Stella," He shot me a threatening glare, telling me wordlessly to stop asking questions. "Put on your shoes. Now."

I wanted to argue, furrowing my brows sadly at him in hopes of persuasion, but I knew that it was a futile attempt. By the looks of it, he wasn't having a good day and I guessed that as his friend with benefits, it was my responsibility to make things better and make him feel better- within personal reason, of course. Also, arguing wouldn't have helped either of us- it would've put him in a shittier mood and put me in danger, most likely. And anyway, who would argue with the Joker, unless you were suicidal?

After another heavy, impatient sigh he gave me, I nodded indistinctly, shut my study book and put on my sneakers that were already near me on the floor. I quickly tied them up and I looked up from my feet to see Joker snooping through my wardrobe, obviously looking for something.

"What're you doing?" I asked, nearing towards him hesitantly, curiously.

"So many questions, young lady," He tutted under his breath and tossed me one of my coats; dark army green with a dark faux fur lined hood. "Here, put this on."


Joker snarled inwardly at my reluctance and grabbed my arm, turning me to face him. I resisted a yelp as he spread out my arms and forcefully pulled my coat on me, zipping it up rapidly afterwards. He tiredly ran his hand through his hair and hissed through his teeth, whilst I frowned apologetically at him. "Not today. A'right, Stella?"

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