Chapter 23

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"Welp, I guess we don't have to go through the choosing ceremony anymore. Thank gods that thing was such a bore." Andree said lightly, staring intently at the silver blade in front of him.

I looked at him wide eyed and bewildered " The Choosing what?! Andree I just killed 30 wolves within minutes with a  random ass sword that appeared from thin air! You mind telling me what's going on?"

Andree stared at me calmly, his lips were tilted slightly upwards and his eyes sparkled in amusement.

HE WAS ENJOYING THIS. He was finding joy in my misery and confusion. Anger started to bubble in the pit of my stomach, my patience snapping instantly.

"ANDREE I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU DONT-" he raised his hand to my face signaling for me to shut up.

A small chuckle passed through his lips which made me send a murderous glare his way, which only seemed to make him more amused.
"Relax Liz, the choosing ceremony is when you're put in a weaponry room and let your soul decide which weapon calls out to you."

I stared confused "My soul?"

He rolled his eyes "Yes Liz, your soul. It chooses the weapon that's calls are the loudest, but in this situation it seems as if the weapon chose you," he stared back at the sword, "it's a little cliche but still classy.. I like it"

I rolled my eyes at his comment and grabbed the sword from his hands.

The second my hand caressed the blade, a tingle sensation of warmth and power coursed its way through my body and veins. The buzzing sensation lingered through my body leaving me with a sense of power and strength. It felt as if the sword was meant to be with me like it was a part of me or something.

Andree stared intensely at me a hint of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but just as it appeared it was gone, as if it was never there in the first place. Instead his face flashed into a look of worry.

"Liz, i need you to understand that if this means what I think it means I'd say we have a lot less time than we originally thought."

I scrunched my nose in confusion, "What are you talking about-"

My words were cut off by a distant but loud blood curdling scream that ricochet throughout the forests walls. One that was so fear filled and gut wrenching that it's sent chills through and down my spine.

The sound lingered throughout the air for a split second before it stoped. Silence. One so eery and still that it would make your skin crawl.

I stared wide-eyed at Andree and he stared back a look of fear and concern crossing his face.

But before my mind could comprehend what was going on, my body had already shifted and was galloping frantically towards the ear piercing scream.

All of my senses were heightened as I focused intently on any sudden noises that could lead me toward the sound. I had no idea where I was or where I was going but I had a feeling in my gut that made me know that I was headed in the right direction.

Eventually I started to realize that we were headed towards the clearing that I took Logan to on our failed first date. A lump formed in my throat as I made it towards the open are, nervous to see what mischief was awaiting.

But as I've come to realize, nothing could've ever prepared me for the sight I was seeing now. That gorgeous willow tree that Logan and I had shared special moment s in was now tainted crimson.

A woman, maybe in her mid 20s, hung from the tree The vines caressed her broken neck as her feet dangled many ways above the ground. Blood dripped from the leaves of the tree and her body hung mangled and distorted. Her eyes still open and filled with the same terror she felt before her life was ended. It was disturbing to say the least.

A sharp crack from behind me caught my attention. I quickly turned around growling lowly with teeth barred.

"Woah woah, it just me Liz." Andree stood behind me with his hands raised in surrender.

I let out a sigh of relief letting myself relax a little. Deciding to turn back, I felt my bones start to pop back into place.

Side by side me and Andree stared at the girl in shock and disgust. Andree was the first one to break the silence.

"Well, shit liz"

Well shit was right.I cautiously walked towards the body, looking closely at the harm caused. There were many cuts and bruises scattered across her body but there was one that caught my eye.

"Hey Andree com look at this,"

He scrunched his eyes and looked to where I was pointing.

There carved into the woman's arm, was a message.

"May the blood of innocents be in your name "


Authors Note: Ik its been a while and a lot of shits happened so Im sorry. Also I changed the goddess to Athena instead of Enyo to fit the plot more so if you see her name just know thats why.

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