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“Oh my god.” I whispered, feeling so nasty and horrible.

“What’s wrong?” John demanded as he got up getting infront of me as he faced Emmanuel.

“John, just wait. Sit here, I’ll be back very soon.” I launched up and made my way to the door, not knowing what to do or say.

I followed Emmanuel down the stairs, and we stopped at the main door.

“Emmanuel, I am so sorry. I-“ I sighed, looking down. I hated seeing him like this. And I hate myself for playing him on like this. I am such a fucking dumb bitch.

“I saw what I saw. I get it, Brianna. You just played me on, and you just toyed around with me to get what you wanted. I completely understand.” Emmanuel spoke calmly, staring me down. I broke contact as I gazed to the floor.

I felt so ashamed; I can’t even look into his eyes.

“No Emmanuel, I really did like you. But, I just don’t know. I’m very sorry!” I responded as I fiddled around with my fingers. Not looking at him.

“You just screwed me over Brianna!” Emmanuel roared as I took a step towards him, trying to approach him. But he just moved away. I looked out to the main door, trying to make this less embarrassing.

He sent me a cold, twisted smile.

“You deserve better than me anyway, I’m a selfish person. You deserve way better, okay, I’m just heaps sorry.” I wailed, I just wanted all this pain to come to a halt. He again just laughed, and said nothing. He just stared at me.

“What the fuck is going on, we can hear your screaming from down here?” Jessica yapped from the side as her face dropped.

“Brianna, what happened?” She asked me, gripping onto my shoulders.

“What did you say and do to her?” She asked furiously as she stared Emmanuel down.

He just laughed, folding his arms on his chest. He leaned back onto the wall and watched us.

“I should be the one sobbing right now, because she cheated on me.” Emmanuel gazed over to me.

“I said I’m sorry!” I growled as I dashed up the stairs, heading for my apartment room. I sobbed as I dashed up the stairs. I can never be right for once, my life cannot be great for once. I just want to curl up into a ball and die.

“Why are you crying?” John asked as he studied my face as he gripped my wrist.

“Nothing, just go.” I sniffed as I walked into my apartment room, not bothering to take my shoes off.  I ignored my friend’s worried glares as I headed for my room. Sighing loudly, I plopped onto the bed.

“No way, I won’t leave you. Not like this.” John informed me as he followed me into my room. He plopped beside me and hugged me. He kissed the top of my head as I just crashed into his muscular arms.

One thing I loved about John was that he didn’t question me anymore. He just let me be. He listened to me cry, but didn’t say anything.

I wonder what Jess said to him. They should just go out together, he should just forgive me and I should just be happy. I am actually so furious at myself for wanting to come to Sydney and get my so called ‘revenge’ because at the end I’m getting hurt again. Life isn’t fair.  But I’m not going to care anymore, just myself. Sometimes this is the best thing to do, because people just don’t understand what you do for them. I didn’t even want to hurt Emmanuel, if I was a heartless person I could have done so much worse. I could have slept with him, and then just left him. But no, I am not a heartless person. I was just so angry at John, and I pulled a mistake. But, now, I am learning from my silly mistakes.

I felt John’s thumb wipe away the last few tears as I pecked his thumb. I smiled up to him and placed my head back on his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and dozed off.

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