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Alexs' POV.

That girl i had saw yesterday was beautiful. I did help her, but i didnt even ask for her name. What a freaking idiot i was. I decided to tell my group about this girl, and i wanted to show them her.

"Are you guys freaking ready?" I screamed.

"YES," They all shouted back. But John didnt.

I walked out of my room and made my way over to Johns' room.

"Arent you coming bro?" I asked as i furrowed my eyebrows.

"Nah man. Shes probably ugly, you have no taste. You can show me her later."  John replied as he slowly brought his gaze over to me.

"Your choice." I replied as i walked off.

I walked over to the door. I knealt down to find my shoes. I finally found them as i sat on the floor and put my shoes on.

"Im waiting at the front homies." I screamed as i opened the door.

I walked outside and the cold breeze hit me as i rubbed my arms.

Briannas' POV

I sat quietly staring at the white wall. I sighed loudly as i directed my eyes to my room. I was already bored. No one was here for me, theres no one i knew. Well everyone i knew were bitches. Theres no one i can make friends with can i? Theres literally no one. I used to talk to a few girls, like there was Jodie. She was the only nice person i used to talk too. She also hated John, and she wasnt the typical 'popular slut' she wasnt popular, and she wasnt stuck up. Maybe i should try to find her.. But how? In the whole of Sydney.. That'll be a little hard. I got up and made my way to my room. I opened my cupboard and searched for a outfit. I found the thing and took it out, i then got dressed and did my daily things; Brushing my hair, my teeth.. Things like that. I put my phone and purse into my bag. I then wore my red 'TOMS' shoes. I had got them delivered. I walked out lazily, as i went down the stairs.

Alexs' POV

The boys and I waited infront of her apartment. .Well not infront of it, but on the side. Pretending to do other things. I then looked to the left, seeing her get out of the apartment.

"There she is." I whispered as i pointed quickly.

The boys turned around and looked at her. I heard a few 'wows' and gasps.

"Dont all look idiots. Itll make it obvious." I hissed as they turned to face me.

"Lets do the whole, swap thingo." Troy suggested as i agreed.

"You 2 look now, then swap, then us 3?" Troy again said.

They looked as i whispered 'swap'. I laughed at our stupidity, but she was actually beautiful.

"Bro, she actually is hot. Pwoaaa. I betcha John would freaking tap that shit." George laughed.

"Why didnt John come anyway..?" Len asked as he cringed his eyebrows.

"Apparently i didnt have good taste, and apparently ill show him another time." I merely said as i shrugged lightly.

"Okay.." Len shrugged as we looked right, she was pretty further down from us.

"Im going to go talk to her. Ciao bitches." I winked as i ran after her.

Briannas POV.

I walked silently down the white pathway. I stopped short as i heard footsteps behind me. I turned around slowly, as i looked to see who it was. Aha, it was Alex. What a suprise. I shot him a fake smile.

"Hey." He chuckled as he looked me in the eyes.

He isnt that ugly, his actually pretty cute. Not that id ever like him though.

"Hey, Whats up?" I asked as i looked at him.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to find an answer.

"Uhh.. Im having a party tomorrow. Want to come?" He blurted out.

Aha, i smiled and nodded my head.

"Sure." I smiled at him.

"Ill come to this apartment at 5. So come down at 5?" He smiled at me.

"Okay, see you then!" I replied cheerfully as i continued to walk.

I sighed happily as i smiled to myself. I could do a whole 'Happy dance' now if no one was here.

I had to find a dress that looked awesome on me, cause tomorrow i am going to see John, and steal his heart.

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