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"Pansy does this make us friends or no? I'm just wondering since we're on first name terms." Ron was nervous to ask the shorter this question.

"Yes it does but don't expect me to stop bullying your friends. I just will lay off them only for you." They smiled. Pansy never knew that Ronald could be a great friend.

"Oh ok! Do you want to hang out later at my dorm?"

"Won't Potter be there? If so then no way am I going." Pansy growled, she hated Potter the most.

"Oh no! He has plans with Ginny. So he won't be back until curfew and then you can leave like 10 minutes before it's curfew. So you don't get in trouble by one of the headmasters." Ron practically screamed out his sentences.

"Oh sure then."

"I'm gonna head to class. Bye Pansy." The boy turned around and began to walk.

"Hey Ron! If anyone bullies you or hurt you. Just let me now and I'll get the boys." Pansy smirked. Ron stopped at his place and turned around. He smiled at the shorter. "Bye Ron."

The boy turned around once again and walked to his next class.

'Who knew that long night would change our relationship?' She chuckled.

Last night..

"Ok so first all I came out to everyone I was transgender. But before that I cut my hair because I didn't like my long hair either way." Ronald chuckled.

"Ok..are you going to help me cut my hair? I think I'll do it wrong."

"You trust me with your hair? Honestly, Parkinson I thought you would be yelling at me to tell you the steps. Then kick me out of your dorm."

"Yeah yeah Weasley. Just hurry up. Curfew is in-"

"6 hours. Not so long. I'll be out of here before that time. Anyways-"

6 hours come soon then expected. The two didn't even notice. But during that time Pansy felt different about the boy. Not like love but a friend way. She felt more open to the boy then she use to. Heck, she never felt open to him at all.

"Woah I look amazing!"

"Have you decided your pronouns yet? Like
he/him, their/them, or sticking with her/she." Ron questioned. He wanted to get the shorter pronouns correct so he won't be wrong.

"I was originally going to go with he/him but I really think their/them would go fine. Just something that's not too..girly."

"You know men can be feminine too, right?" Ron chuckled. There were many feminine men who were straight.

"Yes I know! I'm not a idiot unlike you." Pansy laughed so loud that probably all of hogwarts heard.

Ron didn't like the compliment at all. "That was not funny." He crossed his arms and stared a different way from the shorter.

"You're not so bad Ronald." Pansy stated. But she didn't get a response back.

"Bloody h-ll! It's 10 already? I should get going!" Ron stated grabbing his robe that he left on Pansy's bed.

"Don't! You'll get caught by a headmaster."

"But what will happen if I get snitched by a Slytherin? I'll be in more trouble. Parkinson I cannot stay." Ronald walked up to the door but was stopped.

"I don't have a roommate you can sleep in the best besides me. If you hear something then hide in the bathroom. But do not make a sound! Do you understand!?"

Ron didn't reply first. He was shocked that the Slytherin cared for him. He thought the Slytherin would snitch him out. The boy nodded and backed away from the door.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna tell Blaise and Draco that you're here."

"Malfoy and Zabini?! What if they snitch me out?!"

"I'll make sure they don't! No keep your voice down! You're one of the popular Gryffindor's so most likely some Slytherin students will recognize your voice. So unless you stop yelling. You'll get yourself caught." Pansy knew she was being harsh on the boy. But it was the only way he'll listen.


"Thanks Ronald." Pansy knew she called him by his first name. She wanted to go on first name terms.

"Did you call me by my first name, Parkinson?" Ron was confused. He thought they were both on last name terms.

"I am very aware that I called you 'Ron.' Listen, I want to go on first name terms." Pansy smiled. Ronald looked down. "Look..I won't sue your parents and I'll pay for your surgery." The boy looked back up in a confused face.

"You will?"

"Of course. You helped me after all. Also when we're getting our surgeries on the same day." Pansy smiled. "Now if you excuse me. I need to go tell my friends who are most likely making out."

"Wait..Zabini and Malfoy?"

"I said too much. I'll be back in 10 minutes." Pansy closed the door behind her.

"Let me check if Harry's in here. He shouldn't but we should make sure." Pansy nodded at the boy and backed away from the door. Ron opened the door and walked in. But there was the boy sitting on his bed. "Harry I thought you had plans with Ginny?"

"Oh she canceled and went to hang out with Luna. I was wondering if you would like to hang out instead? Just us two though not Hermione." Harry got up and walked to the boy.

"Oh I had plans with a friend..sorry." Harry looked a bit upset. "I'm so sorry! I already brought them over and since you went to hang with Ginny for the day. I thought them and I could hang out."

"Oh well maybe you could cancel please?" Harry was lonely. He wanted to hang out with someone.

"Maybe you could hang out with Hermione?-"

"She went to the library. She was the first person I asked."


"I didn't want to ask."

Ron chuckled. A knock was interrupted their conversation. "Sorry that's my friend."

Pansy cleared their throat. "We can hang out tomorrow Ron." Pansy stated in a more manly voice.

"Good. You can hang out with me today." Harry grabbed his hand and went to open the door. Ron started to panic. Pansy was still outside the door. He didn't say anything in time but unluckily Pansy was on her way.

'Though I hate Potter. They would be cute together.'

No matter how much you hate me, I'll always be aroundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora