Sexual Insult

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Pansy was standing outside of the Slytherin's dorm. It was 3:55pm. 'I'll go grab some water and by the time I come back he should be here.' She thought and went to walk to her dorm. But while walking she heard some noises from Draco's dorm. She went to go check if he was ok. And she was not a gentlelady and didn't knock, so she had opened the door.

She saw her best friends making out and Blaise being pushed against a wall. "Oh sh- I mean hey gays! I MEAN GUYS!" Draco backed off of Blaise and looked at the girl embarrassed.

"You weren't suppose to find out for another week but anyways! Blaise and I have been dating for 3 weeks. And you're probably wondering why we didn't tell you earlier well it's because we were seeing if we would stay together for a long time. If we could together for a month, we would tell you."

"Ok, first of all I bet the whole hogwarts knows that you two are dating because of the noises outside your room." Pansy laughed at the two. The two looked away, embarrassed.

"You really aren't a gentlelady. You should learn to knock, peasant!" Draco said practically screamed at the short girl. Pansy just laughed even more than she had that she had started to laugh. Pansy then knocked off her laugh to say something to the boys.

"I support you guys don't worry." Pansy said with a smile. "I'll be leaving now. I have to wait for the loser to arrive." Pansy said leaving through the door and closing it on her way out.

Pansy grabbed her water off of the Slytherin's table in the girl dorms. When she was about to walk out, she was stopped by a average height girl. The girl grabbed Pansy's arm, making the shorter drop her water.

"Hey you got some nev-" Pansy had started looking at the girl. Her pupils became smaller as she saw who it was. Her ex, the taller girl almost forced herself onto the shorter if Draco didn't show up she won't had been raped. "Get off of me, Rosewood!" Of course, Pansy was scared. You could hear it in her voice.

Rosewood, Courtney Rosewood.

Courtney tighten her grip into the girl. "We never finished our fun, the last time I saw you. So let's continue shall we?" But before Pansy could reply, Courtney pressed her lips onto the others. Pansy pushed the girl away, but only for the girl to return. Tears started to drip down her cheeks. Courtney picked up the girl and carried her to her dorm but was stopped by a blonde.

"Put her down, Rosewood." The blonde was revealed to be Draco. He had a angry look on his face.

Courtney stopped kissing the girl, to look at the boy. "And what are doing to do about it, Malfoy? You can't make me do anything. Sure, you're rich but that doesn't stop me."

"I stopped you once and I'll stop you again. So I'm asking again. Put her down this instant."

"Oh I'm so scared!"

"If you don't put her down. I'll make my father sue you and I know you need the money for your mother. What she was attacked by a mudblood?" The girl's face was blanked. So many emotions were doing onto her face, anger, scared, and most of all sad.

She put the shorter down and walked to her room. She slammed the door and outside you could hear her scream. Pansy who was still crying, looked down. 'I couldn't defend myself. I'm so weak.' She told herself many times. Suddenly she felt someone hug her. Blaise was hugging the girl while Draco was staring off into the distance with a angry face.

Blaise cupped the girl's face. "It's ok, I'm here. You can let it all out. I won't judge you." As soon as Pansy heard the contest of the words. She cried into the boy's shoulder. Completely forgotten about the boy who was gonna arrive to the door.

- 20 minutes later -

Red bangs were under the girl's eyes as she was returning the door. The girl tried to hide the bangs, but was unsuccessful. When she return to the Slytherin front door. She saw the Weasley standing there.

"Oh, so I see you showed up. Well good! Now come in and help me or you know." Pansy said with a smile, she didn't really dislike the boy. She just disliked Potter. The boy got all the attention while everyone was in the sidelines. When Pansy moved to the Slytherin house, Malfoy only told her to bully Potter. But she then turned over and bullied everyone in the houses. Bullied Potter friends and alleys. She wasn't really happy when she bullied Granger but she grew to like the fear in the girl's eyes. Yet the girl wasn't afraid of the girl but what she turned into.

- Author Note -
I'm starting to upload more chapters daily or every two days. So, I can upload a new book. :D I don't know what it should be about. It's probably gonna be about Draise/Blaco. :) Or probably some Guna/Linny fluff!

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