Sleep issues

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The brown hair girl was sitting on her bed. She couldn't drift off to sleep. She titled from side to side but never got comfortable.

"I'm gonna be tired tomorrow if I don't get sleep tonight." Hermione stared at the roof of her room. But something was on her mind. It couldn't leave her brain, but the girl had no idea what she was thinking of either.

Some hours have passed and soon it was 4am. Hermione still haven't gotten any sleep. She'll be lucky to even get a hour of sleep that night. How much she wanted to sleep, she couldn't shut her eyes close.

"At this point it's useless trying to sleep. I'll go take a bath maybe I'll feel better after that." Hermione pulled the sheets off her and was leaning on her bed. Once she got up, she almost fell back into the bed. She sighed and still forced herself up.

The girl walked over to her dresser to get clothes for her bath. She already had a towel in the bathroom, so she didn't bother to grab one. After she got her clothes, she went to the bathroom, and started the water.

Hermione wasn't in there for very long. 'The sun should be out by now. If so I could go wake up Harry and Ron.' When she walked out of her bathroom. The sun shined very little. It was barely about to be 6.

The girl walked into the boy's dorm and knocked on both Harry and Ron's door. Neither of them responded so she opened the door. Harry was in his bed, but Ron was not. She walked up to Harry and pocked the boy awake. "Have you seen Ron? He's not in his bed." The sleepy boy was fully awake when Hermione finished. He quickly got up and walked over to Ron's bed. He even pushed the sheets off the bed but he was not there.

"I did see him leave around 3pm something yesterday." Harry stated, looking at the girl.

"Do you know where he went?"

The boy shook his head as a 'no.' Hermione started to get worried for the boy. Maybe something happened to him. "Just go get dressed and I'll wait for him to return."

"No he's my best friend. I should wait." Harry stated, if his best friend was hurt he had wanted to comfort the boy.

"Maybe if you change really fast then he'll pop up before you're finished. But brush your teeth and hair." Harry ran to his dresser, got his clothes, snd ran into the bathroom.

Hermione walked over and sat on Ron's bed. 'I really do hope he's ok.' The girl soon fell asleep siting up.

About 10 minutes later. She was pocked awake by Harry. "Did he return?" Once again the boy shook his head.

"Maybe he'll be here in a few minutes. We still have a quarter till breakfast." Harry smiled. He really hoped Hermione would say yes.

"Fine but he's not here. We have no choice but to head to breakfast."

15 minutes passed and the time was up. Ron didn't show. The two walked out of the dorm and into the cafeteria. Only a few students were there. Probably 5 per table.

As the two sat. Hermione noticed Pansy and walking into the cafeteria. But she was not with Zabini or Malfoy. She was with Ron..and she was smiling?! The two looked so happy.

Ron noticed the two and yelled 'Bye Pansy!' as he ran to the table. Harry noticed the boy running over and got up.

"Where were you?! You had Hermione and I worried sick!" Harry yelled at the boy, he was looking start into his eyes. He sighed. "I'm just happy your ok." He pulled Ron into a hug.

Hermione noticed the blush on Ron's face. She was very aware of Ron's crush. She laughed, "Breakfast should be starting soon. Now settle down."

Hermione felt horrible all her classes. She hardly raised her arm which was unlike her. She sometimes fell asleep in the middle of class. After her third class, a shorter 'girl' walked up to her.

"Look you haven't been yourself. I could say or whatever. You fell asleep and you didn't raise your hand. Well hardly.." The shorter stated.

"Aww you care for me Pansy. That's nice of you. You really haven't changed." The taller smiled and blush a bright red.

"No I'm not. If you weren't listening in class. I got paired with you. And I need your head in the game!"

"Oh..well you did care because you could have done the project by yourself."

Pansy knew 'she' could handle the project by 'herself.' "Oh I need to tell you something."

"Ok I'll listening."

"My pronouns..I go by they/them not she/her."

"Oh ok! I have a friend that's transgender so I'm fine with it."

"Yes I know Ron was a girl don't need to make it obvious."

"How did you know?"

"That is not important. I need to head to my next class."

"Bye Pansy!" The taller smiled and waved at the shorter. When the shorter was gone. Hermione laughed to herself. 'They care for me!' Her blush became for visible. She then turned around and walked to her next class.

No matter how much you hate me, I'll always be aroundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang