Chapter 47: Entry Log 152:00:22:56

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The feed turns on to a world in celebration. It's not the Dawning, nor one of the many other festivals celebrated during certain times of the year. No, it's a plain, normal day by the date in the upper corner of the feed, but something was different. Even without music and fancy lights the tower seems to glow with a lighter, brighter feeling to it. Maybe it's the smiles of the guardians and workers that Cayde passes as he leaves the Vanguard room and walks into the midday world above. Even the Traveler who still sleeps soundly above the city seems to glow in delight.

There's a sense of peace in the air that's hard to define, and why do so when one can simply enjoy it?

The hunter vanguard raises a hand in passing greeting to Banshee as he passes the gunsmith's venue, making his way past Tess's shop and down the small flight of stairs. There are purple flowers in one of the garden beds meaning Xur has once more made an appearance which the Exo notes as he walks up the railing. Below, the city moves, living in the protection of the tower and sleeping god, none the wiser to the last few weeks of careful planning and fighting. Cayde rests his forearms on top of the rail, leaning into it and letting out a sigh.

From the side view of him, Sundance is just as surprised as him when armguard clad limbs appear from off screen, wrapping around his neck and curling around him lazily. He starts, shifting before relaxing seconds later, recognizing either the armor or the simple touch of Light coming from the person. The camera zooms out quickly and it's no real surprise that it's Skylar behind him, only really able to peer over him because he's slouching as she lays her chin on his shoulder.

"Gotcha," she teases, grinning, all too proud of the fact that she's finally snuck up on him. Cayde huffs, rolling his eyes, but doesn't seem too upset. Instead he drops one arm from the railing and uses the other to grab at one of her own.

"I knew you were here, I got confirmation of your ship docking," he protested, trying to cover his ass because really, how could he let someone sneak up on him unless he'd allowed it? She just smiles, not rising to his challenge - after all she knows the truth - and instead uses her nose to get around his hood and nuzzle his metal cheek. It's an instantaneous reaction for him to let the subject go and lean into her touch, closing his eyes. "Welcome home," he murmurs, his tone letting on to just how much he's missed her despite all the com chats. Skylar just takes in a deep breath, her bright hair pressing up against his hood.

"Good to be back," she replies easily and after another minute, lets go of him, walking around to his side so that he can straighten. The feed pans, moving to face them both as they look out over the railing just before Cayde decides she let go too soon and wraps an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.

"Well they did it," he commends her, even though it seems she's not included in the 'they'. "Where's the team?"

"Oh, they'll be here soon. Some of them got banged up and needed treatment, unlike certain Exos not everyone can conveniently forget the rules," she informs him, making it all seem so casual somehow, the tease easily slipped in. Cayde just smirks at her as she continued. "Quite the long one really, I was getting worried, and Tristan was getting antsy."

"And you weren't?"

"I was but..." She shrugs her shoulders. "I'm not part of the raid squad anymore, even if getting to storm a Fallen nest was tempting," she admits. "Waiting like that was aggravating, never knowing if we'd get suddenly sent in or not. I think being back up is more stressful than actually being part of it." One week, it had been radio silence as Skylar, Tristan, and Winter spent time at a secured base not far outside of the Raid zone. There, six Guardians had gone in and taken a SIVA weapon apart. They hadn't been needed in the end. Cayde chuckles, understanding but, finding it humorous all the same.

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