Chapter 28: Entry Log 88 - 00:33:42

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"What the Hell Cayde?" Tevis' voice is the first thing that's picked up in the feed as it flickers onto a scene above a large round table in Cayde's personal quarters. There's five people at the table, all familiar faces from past logs. Skylar is on Cayde's left, hand pressed over her mouth, posture bent forward as she tries and fails to cover a round of giggles. Tevis is across from the Exo and looks like he just got the rug pulled out from under him. Filling in the other two seats are Banshee and Shaxx, both of which look amused as well. The Exo himself looks like he just found the biggest stash in existence, his smirk large enough that the hinges are protesting slightly.

It's clear they're playing poker by the cards and piles of glimmer on the table, plus the drinks at everyone's sides. There's a rather large pile of winnings in front of the host of the game which sits right next to the winning hand - a royal flush - to which Tevis is sputtering at. "How? To The Nine, how? There's no bloody way." He gets a slightly evil chuckle in reply and if he'd still been human Cayde would have been wiggling his eyebrows though the plating on his face does shift to simulate it.

"Oh there's always a way, not that I'm going to say what that is. Hunters have got to keep their secrets after all."

"Bull. Don't try that on us Cayde. You're in the presence of two other hunters." His argument is sound and Skylar seems to agree as she finally gives up and drops her hand from her mouth, moving it to her eyes as she full on laughs her ass off in that giggly I've-had-too-much-to-drink way of hers. At that all four men look to her and either smirk or laugh lightly themselves. Cayde just shakes his head.

"Hey, you're the one that didn't fold Tev, everyone else had the right mind to do so," he pointed out, leaning forward on the table. "How much do you owe me now?"

"Oh shut up," the Nightstalker grumbles.

"No need to be a sore loser Tevis," Shaxx teases. "We all lost money tonight, well everyone but Skylar, she just broke even." He glances at the only female there as she sighed, finally catching her breath again. She meets his gaze and shrugs her shoulders in that flippant 'hell if know' fashion of hers. Cayde's her mentor but he's never taught her any of his card tricks, it's her own streetwise moves that have carried over from her past life. Tevis just grumbles under his breath and Banshee chuckles before pushing back from the table.

"As much as I'd like to stay, I've got a shop to open in the morning," the gunsmith pointed out looking at them all with a smirk. "Thanks for the games and the lighter pockets, but I'm out." He picks up the remainder of his glimmer, which is much smaller than what he had before. Shaxx sighs and follows suit.

"I'll have to agree to that. I have a game planned at dawn, need to rest before then," he winked at the guardians in the room and he got a range of reactions from snorts to giggles. Cayde just smirks.

"I'm sure your ass is sore anyway, you never did quite recover from Iko-"

"That's enough out of you," the Crucible master cut him off with a half-hearted scowl. "Don't make me bring up why you were banned for three months from the games."

"Hey! I keep telling you, they were just really lucky pants!"

That of course sends Skylar into another round of giggles because everything is funny right now. Cayde stands and walks them to the door, his Ghost and the feed following him. His housing is much larger than Skylar's, consisting of three different rooms rather than just one. They talk for a few more minutes at the door about guns and promising new guardians and when that is finally done, and the door is closed, six minutes have passed. The Exo glances up at the feed, a smile still on his face, and then makes his way back to the kitchen/rec area they were playing the game in. From what is caught on the screen, his place is actually rather clean, even his kitchen counters of black and red tile are clear of dishes.

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