Chapter 45: Entry Log 143: 00:15:21

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"I don't like it," Cayde's voice which is set into a grumbling tone is how the video starts up. He's in the hallway right outside the ship hanger, the sounds of a normal work day for mechanics and engineers alike muffled behind steel doors. His arms are crossed, the hinges of his jaw forced into a scowl. To his left, leaning against the wall is Skylar, her ghost floating off her shoulder. She's in full gear once more, the eyes of her Tarantella slowly pulsing with life. She rolls her eyes, looking as if she's biting back a sigh. She's heard this before.

"Not much either of us can do about this. Saladin asked for us by name," she points out, shrugging slightly as the exo huffs and turns to her.

"Out of everyone he could have wanted why pick two Hidden agents and a scout?" he questions, agitated. Skylar presses her lips together, her hand playing with the necklace she's wearing. It seems like she wants to say something, maybe something to calm him or make him feel better, but the words never come. Her eyes flicker past him, over his shoulder just as a voice sounds from the direction.

"Isn't it obvious Cayde? It's cause we're badasses." The camera pans, turning away from the two hunters as the Vanguard looks behind him to show the other two he was talking about. They're both familiar, though Winter is even more so with her dark blue hair and heterochromia eyes. The other is a fellow hunter, newer than the rest of them but a good friend all the same. He's easily picked out by messy brown hair and yellow eyes that are more towards a golden tint where as Skylar's are orange. He gives a half assed two finger salute in greeting, grinning as Winter shakes her head a smile lingering on her dark lips.

"I don't often agree with hunters, but he's right on this account," she offers, brushing hair behind an ear. The warlock is, if anything, the rock of the group. Sundance zooms out the feed, floating backwards to get all four of them in view as Skylar steps up next to her boyfriend who raises his brow plate.

"Hm, maybe, but I'm pretty sure it's just because the rest of Fireteam Hidden Wing is off on their own assignments," Cayde teases, smirking as the other male hunter loses his grin.

"Oh very funny," he grumbles. "You're just sore that you lost at poker last night."

"Don't know what you're talking about Fenrir."

"Sure you don't."

As they bantered Winter waved Skylar over and the hunteress joined her off to the side to talk. Seeing that it was probably personal the feed focuses on the boys who seem to realise it too and turn from them. Cayde rubs at his neck, apparently abruptly done with teasing his underling.

"Look, I know you've had minimum interaction with working in a team but I need you to pay attention to Winter. She's been around a while and there's a reason she's been made leader for this mission and you and I both know Skylar had quite a bit of experience with The Fallen." He shifts his weight, frowning slightly, worried. "Something about all of this seems like it's more than just some weird call out, so listen to both of them when they're talking, got it?" He's not serious often but the hunter nods his head in understanding without giving pause.

"Hey, I know not to take them lightly. I did ask Skylar for tips on Arc Blade after all, we both know she didn't learn how to move like that from you," he muses, glancing at the girls off camera. Cayde sighs and does the same.

"Yeah well, Tevis was always better at it than me. But that's besides the point... just watch her back for me okay?" He doesn't have to say who he's talking about, it's pretty easy to tell. Fenrir's gaze softens slightly when he looks back to his vanguard leader and gives another sharp nod.

"That goes without saying, but we both know she can take care of herself," he pauses for a moment, probably looking for the right words to say next. Even though his demeanor is confident, the feed catches his hand instinctively hovering over the grip of his prized Hawkmoon hand cannon. "I didn't know her before Crota, but I heard about what happened. Her ability to come out of the other side of that shows how strong she is." He's got a point, and it's a bit weird to hear hunters speaking so seriously out of the field, but Cayde seems to appreciate it, nodding his head thoughtfully.

"Ready to go Tristan?" Winter's voice questions as the two girls walk back into the frame of the video. Fenrir sighs, eyeing her as she continues to insist on calling him by his first name out of the field.

"Yeah, let's smoke some Fallen."

"Good," is all the awoken says in return as Skylar strides back up to Cayde and tilts her head at him. Both other fireteam members look away for the moment as the Exo smirks and slips a gloved hand behind her head and kisses her, completely unaffected by the audience. For once, the amber haired woman doesn't seem to mind either and pulls back only to press her forehead to his for a moment.

"I'll be back soon. Just remember to light my way like the comet you are," she promises and Cayde makes a small sound looking off to the side.

"Not soon enough," he grumbles looking back to her. "Be careful."

Skylar pulls back with a smile, her hand trailing down his jaw for a moment. They stare at each other for a long moment, silently remembering that they don't really have a right to complain. This is their life after all, the life of all guardians, and their moments are few and fair spread at times. The seconds tick by for a good two minutes before Fenrir clears his throat.

"Should we go ahead of you Sky? Cause this is getting just a little too fluffy for me." His words break the spell and Skylar looks to her fellow hunter with narrowed eyes. He grins nervously at her and she drops her hand from Cayde finally pulling away. Winter glances at the hunter with a look that screams 'you're screwed' just as Skylar strides over to him and then rather comically grabs the handle like loop on his left shoulder armor and starts walking, effectively dragging him behind her.

"Come on hot shot, I bet I can teach you a few more important lessons before the mission starts."

"Ack, Sky! Come on let go! I'm sorry!"

She of course ignores him and looks over her shoulder once more at Cayde in a silent goodbye. He nods at her and Winter chuckles lightly, shaking her head before raising her arm in a Hidden salute before walking after them, a mother following rowdy children as it were. Cayde himself laughs, crossing his arms once more as he watches the team disappear behind a closed door. Once they're gone he looks down for a moment, smile dropping as the camera zooms in as his Ghost comes closer.

"You okay?" Sundance asks and he snaps back to attention, blinking. Looking straight at the feed he nods his head.

"Yeah, I'm sure I have nothing to worry about. Come on, I'm going to be late if I stay here and I don't feel like listening to Zavala's lectures today." He refuses to show how worried he is anymore and tugs his hood more over his head as he turns to leave the hanger entrance. Sundance chirps, disapproving but floats after him, letting the feed fade out as the door opens to the courtyard.

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