Chapter 2: Entry Log 3 - 00:02:32

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There is a rifling of papers on the screen as it flickers on, and quick moving hands are seen flipping one page after another... looking, searching. Cayde is at his spot in the Vanguard room, his corner of the table buried alive in papers of all kinds. Ikora, who is just barely caught in the feed's view gives him a quizzical look.

"Do I dare ask Cayde?" she questions, dark lips thinning as she presses them together. Still, the Exo doesn't look up from his searching, though the tilt of his head claims he has heard her.

"I got a report from a Ghost today about a new hunter," he informs her, and surprise flickers over the warlock's face. "Been a while since I got one, and it was an interesting description so I wanted to record it. Just have to find it again."

"Shouldn't it be on your data pad?"

A pause of hands, then, a tired, slightly robotic sigh exits his mouth and the camera zooms in, peeking over Cayde's shoulder as they slump. "Right..." it's clear it had been a long day for the hunter to not remember that as he picked up his data pad from the left of the table and started clicking through files. "Here it is."

The camera zooms in, scanning the file as he reads out the words printed on it.

"I found her in North America, near the stretch of a mountain range called 'The Cascades'. She was in an old tree, so old that the branches had started to grow around her remains in places. One branch bowed around her skull, almost like a hood. In her lap sat a birds nest, the feathers scattered among her bones. Scans indicate it belongs to a falcon and the bird screeched at us from the sky when I revived her. She took a few feathers, but left the nest where it was, her very first words to the bird instead of me.

'Thanks for the gift.' Somehow, it seems appropriate that she's a hunter."

Once he's done reading he looks to his friend who hums, thoughtful.

"Weren't you found in that area too?" she asks, curious.

The camera zooms back out and shifts its focus to Cayde once more who is musing over the report, his hand resting on the holstered Ace of Spades hand cannon, a gun that has seen little use in the last two years. The Exo is smirking when he looks up, his teal eyes glowing brighter in excitement.

"I was. Just on the other side of the mountains from what I'm seeing of the area. Sounds interesting, it will be nice to have a new hunter in the tower. Wonder if she is the gambling type." His musing is cut short, Ikora never answering as a low voice is heard in the background and his attention is drawn to the bulky Awoken at the head of the table. Cayde sighs. "Yeah I'm coming Zavala, don't get your sash in a bunch."

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