Chapter 31: Entry Log 95 - 00:43:56

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The world is covered in white. Snow drifts down around the camera feed, coating the main plaza of the tower in a dusting of sparkling ice crystals. Such weather normally causes the world to seem quiet, as if the blanket of snow muffles everything, but that's not the case now. Spirited music plays through speakers, the chattering and laughter of guardians and civilians alike see to it that The Dawning is anything but quiet.

It's halfway through the week long event, and Guardians out in the field have had a chance to make it back to celebrate. Everyone is in high spirits as dark blue and gold banners flutter in the wind with tiny silvery lights making patterns on walls. Cayde leans on the railing that overlooks the area, dressed mostly the same though he's ditched his armor and cleaned up a bit for the formal event below. It's not often that guardians are seen in anything but armor and weapons, but this one time of the year has them pulling out barely used garments made of softer material and brighter colors.

Some dance around in the designated area, laughing and moving so differently it's easy to tell who's a hunter and who's a titan. Others simply stand cluttered in small groups, holding glasses of colorful liquids or packages wrapped in glittering paper. Cayde hums quietly along to the song playing at the moment, upbeat and speaking of friends and crazy plots.

"I see a certain hunter..." Sundance' voice coos teasingly on the mic and Cayde blinks, on point instantly like a hunting dog.


"Mhm. To your left," her directions are vague but the camera still finds her, as does the Exo. Against all the white, her bright amber locks are all too easy to see. She's wearing a cloak, as normal for all hunters, but this one is white and lined with fur. A blue design is etched on the back, and the hood is pulled up to keep the light snowfall off. She's not in armor either, and it's almost weird to see her not in pants, but the hunteress has dawned a dark blue dress with a flowing skirt that ends at her knees. It's long sleeved and simple, the neck covered up by the furry scarf of her cloak. She's got one of her armour belts resting at her hips, knife at the ready if needed, and she still has her boots on though the black leather and silver metal look spotless from this distance. It's notable that there are three orange slashes going diagonally across one of her boot's legguards. Vermilion Stripes. More than likely other pieces of her armor hold the same sign of mourning and honoring a fellow fallen hunter.

"She looks nice tonight," Sundance chirps and Cayde nods slightly, watching.

She's not alone in her little corner of the plaza, in fact her company is surprising. Corvan is there, and neither hunter seems tense as they speak, a small box in his hands with ripped open paper. Skylar is smiling as they talk, moving her hand animatedly and getting a laugh in return from her friend. Friend. It's easily to tell the Blade Dancer has forgiven him, at least a bit.

After about ten minutes the two hunters part ways and Corvan makes his way towards a table with food on it while Skylar stays put, sipping on the drink in her hand. Only then does the Exo finally move, making his way over to her. She sees him coming when he's nearly there and raises her free hand in a small wave of greeting.

"Make it out of the bunker did you?" she teases once he's standing next to her. Cayde rolls his eyes and smirks.

"Zavala's not that much of a slave driver. I think he wanted to spend some time with Winter since she made it back this morning." After all, The Dawning is about celebrating and connecting with loved ones, there aren't many that can say they get to spend it will blood relatives. Skylar gives a small nod of her head.

"Yeah, she said much the same to me when I saw her." Her golden eyes glance over the Exo for a moment before going back to the sea of dancers in front of them. "You cleaned up nice," she muses and takes a sip of her drink. Cayde chuckles slightly, a nervous edge to it. He's not used to such forward compliments and knowing how she feels about him doesn't help.

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