Chapter 17: Entry Log 52 - 00:22:05

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The click of metal and plastic being set down and picked up is the first thing heard as the video turns on, finding Cayde in one of the shipyard's many side landings. He is sitting at a table and cleaning his prized gun, a few feet away from him Amanda and Winter are chatting as the blond works on the engine of a ship. The Ace of Spades is in pieces, the Exo having taken it apart with care and now running a cleaning cloth through every inch of it. A quick shift of the camera to the large, yawning landing doors show that it's early morning, the sky painted in a stark almost blood red and orange that melts and eats at the dark blue of night.

The hanger is mostly vacant save the three of them and the few Frames working around the area. The warlock and the mechanic are chatting just out of mic range but it still picks up the giggle from the awoken as they glance at Cayde who ignores them. He uses a stick to shove the cloth into the barrel of gun, muttering to himself. "I'm not worried... I just needed a change of scenery."

"You're worried," Sundance states easily, the AI's voice so close to the mic it's almost too loud. Cayde looked at the screen and scowls half heartedly at his partner but says nothing and goes back to work.

A full five minutes pass on the time clock in near silence, only the chatter of the two girls behind him and Cayde's movements as he cleans his gun being heard. Then, all at once, the calm that had covered the area shatters as the door to the hospital wing on the far end of the hanger opens on sticky hinges and several sets of feet make there way out. The Exo stops reaching for another piece of his weapon and instead cocks his head and stands, joining both women who are already at the railing to get a better look.

There's a cluster of them, six medics are making their way to the landing zone, two pairs armed with stretchers, all of them talking in a quiet, hurried voice. The camera zooms out to get a better picture of the scene and Cayde looks to Winter and Amanda who both wear worried or curious faces.

"Someone coming in must be hurt," Winter states quietly, her blue brows furrowing at the thought. Cayde gave a small nod of agreement, and guessing by how many doctors were there, it was more than one person.

Not a moment later the boom of engines fills the air as six ships come into view heading towards the docking bay. All three of the onlookers tense, knowing those ships well enough as the vessels belonging to the raid team that had left over a week ago. Three of the ship's break off from the formation, flying out of view as they go to make a loop around the tower to wait and dock, as only so many can do so at a time. Cayde relaxes slightly at first, seeing his rookie's ship among those to wait, meaning she wasn't one of the injured.

That is until it becomes clear that the three remaining ships are holding all six members. WInter let's out a startled gasp as Z appears first, nearly carrying his teammate Haar over one shoulder. The titan exo is sparking, his left arm pulled from its socket and hanging by wires. His armor appears cut to hell, deep slices across it only kept from met skin due to the thickness of the armor. Winter is already moving towards them, the two men part of her Fireteam, but the doctors beat her to them, a pair of them taking Haar from Z who then winces and grabs at a wound in his side.

Cayde says something under his breath, and just as he's about to move the screen picks up the second pair to appear. It's Corvan and in his arms is Skylar. Cayde only stares for about two seconds, just long enough for Amanda to start saying something and then the hunter Blink Steps across the open space to the landing pad in seconds. He beats the doctors, two more of them busy helping Noble who is nearly carring Will, his trench coat in pieces. The camera focuses on the Exo though, who moves in front of the two other hunters quickly.

The fireteam leader still has his helmet on, but Skylar doesn't and her eyes stare up at the ceiling unfocused and nearly glassy. Her face is contorted in pain and even her limbs are stiff, hands gripping onto her fellow hunter's armor so hard they would have bled without gloves. She's breathing heavily and it sounds like she is trying to scream but can't keep the air in long enough to do so.

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