Chapter 24: Entry Log 72 - 00:15:38

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The feed turns on and focuses on Cayde and Corvan, the two hunters appeared to be talking about a mission as they converse off to the side of the main table in the Vanguard room. Cayde is smirking, arms crossed lazily over his chest as Corvan reads over a few sheets of paper in his hands. He flips a page and grimaces a bit, but doesn't say anything until he's done reading. When he finishes it he looks to his friend and class leader with annoyance.


The Exo's grin only widens, a slightly sadistic hint to it because even if they're civil, they aren't on the best of terms yet, the faded scar on the human's cheek a testament to that. "What's wrong with Mars?"

"Besides the fact that when you spend as much time in the field as I do on a planet like that you end up spending twice as long getting sand out of everything once you're done?" he inquires flatly. Cayde chuckles, shaking his head.

"Hey, it needs to be done and you're the man for the job. A little sand in not so good places isn't the worst that could happen." There's an undertone to the Exo's words that sounds a lot like 'hey you're still on my shit list, take it or leave it', but neither of them comment on it.

"If you're trying to make me feel better Cayde, it's not working." All Corvan gets is a cocky smirk and he sighs, shaking his head. He knows better than to challenge him when he's still on thin ice. "Fine."

The Vanguard leader nods his head in approval and then something catches his eye off to the side, causing Corvan to look along with the camera feed. Skylar appears out of a side door with Ikora right behind her. Even from this distance it's easy to see the female hunter is doing better, her hair is the right length again, short in the front and curling around her neck and shoulders in the back. She's holding herself better as well, and while she's not in full armor, she's back in under armour and boots. Her knife and newly repaired hand cannon are strapped to her leg and waist. She's not field cleared, but she's getting there.

Ikora says something the mic doesn't pick up, placing a gentle hand on Skylar's shoulder for a moment and getting a slight nod and a tentative smile in return. Once the Warlock has taken her hand away they both turn towards the table and Skylar flinches slightly when she sees Corvan. The camera pans out, widening the view of all four people as Sundance floats up higher in the air. Ikora and Cayde are watching the two hunters carefully, the female tensing and the male looking lost on what to do. After a few moments Skylar looks away from him, eyes narrowing and a deep frown on her face with her hand clenched at her side. She doesn't say anything, just turns on her heels and heads out of the room.

"Wait! Skylar!" Corvan calls after her, but the amber haired woman doesn't even pause in her quickly receding steps. He curses under his breath and starts to take a step after her before Cayde grabs him by the shoulder and stops him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he offers as the human turns to him. Cayde just stares him down for a moment before dropping his hand when Corvan shrugs it off. "You can sulk all you want about it, but she's not going to forgive you that quickly." And neither will I. Again words not spoken but there. Corvan grimaces and looks away.

"I didn't mean for any of it to happen," he sounds exasperated, like he's had to say that line too many times. Cayde nods his head.

"I know, we all do, but that doesn't change what happened. Sky has a lot of baggage to sort through, you'll just have to wait and see."

"Right..." the human rubs his neck and sighs. "I'll get going then." He raises his assignment slightly in a change of topic and then quickly leaves the room before his class leader says anything else. Cayde makes a clicking sound with his mouth somewhere unseen and then turns back to the table and unfolds his arms, looking at his teammate.

"How'd it go?" He's not interested in talking about that little stand off nor about how weird the friction is between him and the hunter that just left. It's clear Ikora gets that Cayde is still angry about it but that he's trying to put it behind him because the Exo is a Vanguard leader and personal dislike can't win out against duty. She hums softly, thinking things over.

"It's not going to be an easy road for her, but she's doing better already. After speaking with her I think she'll be alright for duty again, but we should start small and stay away from the Hive for a while." There's concern in her voice but Ikora has never bent the rules for anyone, and she wouldn't now, so it's safe to assume things will turn out alright. Cayde looks relieved at that and then shuffles through some papers on the table.

"Probably a good call. Maybe a scouting mission on Venus? We have a lot to still remap out there." He picks up a paper as he speaks, eyeing the writing on it. Ikora nods her head once and then steps closer to the table placing her hands on it.

"That should work," she agreed before pausing and gaining the Exo's attention.

"What's up?"

"Nothing bad," she assured him with a small smile. "But there is something I'd like to talk to you about concerning Skylar. Zavala told me what you said when she was in the hospital and after speaking with her today I believe she might be more useful elsewhere than the front lines."

If Exos could raise eyebrows, Cayde certainly would be. He shifts on his feet, leaning into one hip more than the other and rests his hand on his gun.

"Okay now I'm curious. Let's hear it," he muses and Ikora gives a small chuckle at his antics, but her face remains serious all the same.

"I would like to offer Skylar the opportunity to become one of my Agents of the Hidden," she states, and the look of surprise on Cayde's face is evident. After a few moments and a handful of blinks he frowns at her but still remains curious.

"You trying to steal my Rookie?" he grumbles, a bit protectively. Ikora sighs and shakes her head.

"I don't believe there will ever come a day where Skylar would hold me higher than you Cayde. I simply think it would be a good fit for her. It would get her off the front lines for the most part, and keep her out of big scale raids unless she's truly needed there. She'd still take missions from you on occasion, but she'd get a lot more frontier work." It's a solid argument, one that Cayde seems to have trouble arguing against. He doesn't like it, that much it clear, as to why he doesn't like it, that's another thing entirely. A few minutes tick by and finally the Exo simply shrugs his shoulders.

"It's up to her really. Go ahead and ask her, but give her some time before you do. She needs to get back into the swing of things," He doesn't sound happy, more resigned than anything, and quickly goes back to his paperwork after that. Ikora watches him for a moment before humming slightly and doing the same, the video feed cutting out.

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