Finding the Perfect Gifts

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You stand outside of Kurapika's apartment, your hands clasped together, swaying on your feet slightly. You watch the door closely, waiting for it to open any second now. After a few more minutes of waiting, you let out a sigh, and walk forward, knocking on the door a few times.

'I know he told me to meet him outside of his apartment, but he's really late. I hope he didn't forget,' You think to yourself, as you take a few steps back, waiting patiently for the door to open.

About a minute later, the door finally opens, revealing your good friend, Kurapika, wearing a pretty casual outfit. "Oh, (Y/N), I apologize if I kept you waiting. I've just finished getting ready."

"It's no problem," You reply with a smile on your face, "I'm just glad you didn't forget about our plans for today."

He seems perplexed by your statement for a moment, before he tells you, "The likelihood of me ever forgetting we had plans together is very low, so there is no need for concern," He takes a step out of his apartment, closing his door behind him. Offering you a warm smile, he gestures towards the hallway, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yep! Let's find Leorio the perfect gift!" You exclaim, a determined expression evident on your face. 

This prompts Kurapika to let out a light chuckle, before walking off towards the exit of the apartment building. You rush to catch up to him, walking along beside him. You and Kurapika take a taxi to the mall, and soon enough you find yourself scanning the windows of each shop, trying to decide if they'll have the perfect gift for your beloved fiancé.

After about ten minutes of walking around the mall, Kurapika's voice pulls you out of your thoughts. Your gaze falls upon him as he speaks, "Do you have anything specific in mind, (Y/N)? It would be easier to find something if you have a general idea of what you would like to give to him."

You put your finger on your chin in thought, your prior ideas coming to mind, "I have a few different ideas, but I just don't think they're good enough for him."

Kurapika raises an eyebrow at this, a curious look present on his face, "Leorio will love anything as long as it comes from you. Don't be so tough on yourself."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Although, if you need any more ideas, consider giving him something sentimental," Kurapika points out to you, trying his best to be helpful in this situation.

You hum in thought, your mind coming up with several different ideas, "Oh! I've got it!" 

"That did not take long. What do you have in mind?" 

"Come on, I'll show you!" You grab his hand, and excitedly pull him through the mall and towards the store you're looking for. 

Luckily, you're able to customize the perfect gift for him, buying a few other things for him, as well. Afterwards, you find yourself sitting across from Kurapika at a coffee shop in the mall. You had decided to buy him a coffee for all of his help. 

"Thank you again, Kurapika. I wouldn't have thought of going for a more sentimental gift if it wasn't for you," You say to him with a smile present on your face.

Kurapika finishes taking a sip of his coffee, and sets his cup back down on the table. "There is no need to thank me. I'm certain you would have had the same idea, even if I had not said anything." He explains to you with a small smile on his face.

"Not true! You really helped me!" You're quick to argue back, "Now, I have to wonder what you want for a gift."

"I do not need any gifts from you," He starts, the look in his eyes seeming somewhat sad as he says his next line, "Your friendship is the best gift that you could ever give to me."

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