Drunk Confessions

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You let out a long sigh as you slump back against your desk chair, your tired eyes falling on the dimly lit computer screen in front of you. Your workday is finally near ending and it's safe to say that you cannot wait to go home and rest. You take a sip of your bottle of water before sitting back up and typing on your keyboard again. The sound of your phone vibrating against the hardwood of your desk distracts you from your work as you quit typing to cast a glance at it.

You quickly look at the caller id, noting it to be one of your closest friends. You answer the call and hold the phone up to your ear, "Hey, what's up?"

"(Y/N), what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing but I'm not off work for another hour," You reply to her, already knowing what she's about to ask you, "Why do you want to know?"

"Come out with us!" She exclaims, "Me and a few of my coworkers are going drinking tonight and you should totally tag along!"

You scratch the back of your head as you ponder how to politely decline her offer, "Yeah, I don't know. I'm already pretty tired and it's been a really long day..."

"Tomorrow's Saturday so you can relax all day then!" She continues to try and persuade you, "It'll be fun, I promise."

Unfortunately, your friend can't take a hint, prompting you to say, "Yeah, maybe, but I've never met your coworkers and I'm kind of awkward."

"They're really nice! I'm sure you'll love them! I already talk about you all the time."

You let out an audible sigh, knowing she isn't going to give up on this anytime soon, however, this doesn't stop you from standing your ground, "I really think I'm just gonna stay home for-"

"We can talk about that guy you have a crush on! What was his name? Oh, Leorio, right?" She continues, blissfully unaware of how annoyed you are, "How are you and him doing?"

"Umm, we're okay. He's been really busy studying for exams lately," You explain to her before saying, "Well, I'm gonna get back to work now."

"Perfect, I'll meet you at your apartment at 6pm!" Before you can argue back to this, she's already hung up the call, refusing to take no for an answer.

You shake your head as you set your phone back down on your desk, "I guess I don't have a choice. I'll just hang out for an hour and then I'll go home."

It's nearly 9pm now and you're nowhere near close to leaving the bar. It turns out your friend wasn't lying about her coworkers and they were all really friendly and entertaining. You became fast friends with them, taking shots and dancing together. It's safe to say you've definitely passed your limit a long time ago and you're beyond drunk as you stand next to your friend at the bar, awaiting another drink.

"Are you having fun?" She has to yell over the music so you can just barely hear her.

You nod enthusiastically in response, "Yeah, thanks for inviting me! I'm having a great time!" Your phone vibrates in your back pocket, signaling that you have a new message. You pull your phone out of your pocket, unable to hide your smile when you see that the message is from Leorio.

"Is that him?" She glances at your phone screen and reads his message, letting out a giggle afterward, "Awe, does he always ask how your day was?"

You avoid eye contact with her as you send a quick reply to his message, "Yeah, nearly every day."

"He definitely likes you back! You should tell him how you feel," She drunkenly encourages you, her words slurring as she does.

You shake your head at her, "Nooo, he definitely doesn't. He's just being nice."

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