Stranger Danger

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"Leorio, wake uppp.." Comes your loud voice as you shake your boyfriend, repeatedly.

He's fast asleep in bed, drool dripping onto the mattress as he refuses to wake up. You shake him harder, hoping he'll finally regain consciousness, but he doesn't budge.

You let out a sigh, mumbling to yourself, "Why are you always like this?"

You end up having to fill up a glass with cold water to throw on him. He bolts awake, looking around confused,

"(Y/N)! Was that you..?" He sits up in bed, rubbing water out of his eyes.

You set the glass on the bedside table, and sit on the edge of the bed, taking his hand into yours, "I'm sorry, babe. But you weren't waking up for anything.." You say with big eyes and pouty lips.

His face quickly goes red upon seeing your cuteness, "O-oh, I'm sorry, (Y/N). Do you still want to go into the city today?"

You nod, happily, "We need to buy some new dress shirts for you, and a few other things."

Your adopted kitty, Socks, jumps onto the bed, rubbing against both of your hands, almost as if she knows where you two are going.

Leorio sighs, before smiling and petting her head, "Okay, we'll bring you something, too."

"Go and get dressed," You say as you stand from the bed. You give him a quick kiss on the forehead, "Then, we can head out."

He agrees with a huge smile on his face. He's never been happier now that he's living with the girl of his dreams, and he always tries to show you that.

You wait for him by the front door, your coat and shoes already on. He finally comes out of the bedroom after he's fully showered and dressed. Once he slips on his coat, he holds his hand out for you, "Are you ready?"

You smile brightly back at him and offer him a short nod, prompting him to open the door, saying, "I hope it's not gonna be this cold all day.."

Leorio opens the passenger door to the car first, helping you to sit down, "My lady."

You can't help but let out a chuckle as he closes the door and sits in the driver's seat. He turns on some music before he drives off down the street, headed for the city. When you arrive at the mall, Leorio and you go separate ways, him heading into a video game shop, and you walking down the halls of the mall in search of something to drink.

"Hey, babe, you're looking pretty good," Calls out a man's voice from behind you.

The man approaches you, a devious smirk on his face, "You from around here? I've never seen you before." He takes another step towards you.

You hold a bored expression onto your face, unamused at how hes treating you, "That's a good thing."

"Come on now, babe. No need to be so cold," He starts, "I'm just complimenting you."

You cross your arms, an annoyed look evident on your face, "I don't believe I asked for your compliments?"

He seems a little frustrated upon hearing this as his gaze hardens, but he continues with his fake nice charade, "Why don't you and me go to get some drinks?"

"Not happening."

He puts an arm over your shoulder, pulling you close to him, "I'm not giving you much of a choice, sweetheart."

You grit your teeth, and clench your fists, resisting the urge to break his arm and cause a scene.

"(Y/N)!!" Your boyfriend loudly calls your name from across the mall, "I'm sorry that I took so long-" He looks up, making eye contact with the man harassing you, "Who is this?" He asks in a firm tone.

You don't say anything, but your eyes are pleading for help as the man tightens his grip on you.

"Get your hands off of my girlfriend!" Leorio finally shouts, unable to hold back his anger that someone would try to take advantage of you like this, "She doesn't appreciate the way that you're touching her, and- Hell, I don't either."

His yelling catches some looks from passerbys in the mall. The man looks annoyed, but doesn't let go of you, "Listen, buddy. Your girlfriend came onto me. Now, we're going out for drinks."

The look on your face is only causing Leorio to feel more anger, "Let go of her now, or you'll regret it."

He let's out a laugh, "Yeah, what are you gonna do? Punch me?"

Which is exactly what Leorio does. His first flying straight into the man's nose, followed by a cracking sound and a fountain of blood. You use this opportunity to free yourself, not before breaking his arm. He falls to the floor from the impact, clutching his shattered nose. "Y-you two are monsters..!!"

You quickly run over to Leorio, his arms wrapping around you protectively. He kisses you on the forehead and looks you up and down with a worried expression, "Are you okay, babe? He didn't hurt you?"

You shake your head, before holding onto him tightly, "No, I'm okay. Thank you, Leorio."

Many people now stand around you all, whispering to themselves and staring, causing Leorio to become agrivated, "Oi, don't you all have something better to do?!" This causes them to disperse, a security guard appearing from the crowd, and asking you both a few questions, before dragging the stranger away.

Leorio buys you some ice cream in hopes of making you feel better. You both sit on a bench in the middle of the mall, while you lick your ice cream cone.

Leorio looks down, a regretful look present on his face, "I'm sorry that I left you alone like that.."

"Dont be sorry," You console him, " You couldn't have known that would happen."

"I know, but I could have stopped him sooner," He sighs, unwilling to meet you gaze.

You place a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Leorio, don't be stupid. You saved me, remember?" You smile brightly at him.

He looks up to meet your gaze, his cheeks instantly reddening, "R-really..? No, I didn't.." He looks down again, "You could have taken care of him easily."

'He's right, but I didn't want to cause a scene, and I really don't want Leorio to be sad.'  You think to yourself before replying, "No, I couldn't have done anything without your help," Comes your reassuring voice, "He was holding me too tight and I couldn't move."

He looks up again, studying you up and down, "You're not hurt, are you?"

You shake your head in response, "No, I'm okay. Thank you, Leorio." You lean into him, prompting him to throw an arm over your shoulder.

Finally, a relieved smile forms on his face, "As long as you're okay, I guess it doesn't matter." He gives you a kiss on the forehead, "I love you, (Y/N)."

You feel your cheeks grow warmer. They do every time he says this, still, "I love you, too, Leorio."

"Now, let me have some of your ice cream," He leans over to try to grab the cone, but you pull it away from him.

"No, I'm not sharing."

"But I saved you!" He pouts, crossing his arms, "I just want a little bit."

You sigh and hand it over to him, "Fine, but then we need to go get those shirts before the store closes."

He happily takes the ice cream cone from you, and gives it a few licks, "Whatever you say babe."

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