Stealing is Okay

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"Ugh, this is the longest day ever.." Leorio grumbles to himself, a pile of books surrounding him. He's currently sat at a table at the library, attempting to get some school work done. He twirls the wooden pencil in his hand, looking down at the open notebook filled with scribbles. He closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh, "Just wanna get home already.."

He leans back in his char, pulling his phone out of his pocket and checking his messages. He smiles when he sees a notification from you. He replies quickly, and sits back up, starting to scribble in the notebook again. 

Your phone screen lights up, and you quickly reach out and grab it, unlocking the screen. A soft smile forms on your face as you read the message from your boyfriend. You type a quick reply before turning your attention back to the movie you were watching. You sigh, leaning back onto the couch, "I hope he finishes soon.." 

You finish the movie, and decide to turn off the television. You stretch as you stand from the couch, and shut the light off as you leave the room. You make your way into your shared bedroom, flipping the lights on as you enter. Opening the dresser, your eyes skim over your folded up night gowns. You pull out one, and walk past the closet, before turning around and opening the door. Your eyes fall on Leorio's dress shirts and suit jackets. You grin as you pull one off of the hanger, and slip the shirt over your head. You look at yourself in the mirror, taking note of how large it is on you. You smile at your reflection before spinning around in it. You pull the shirt over your nose, inhaling his scent. You throw the night gown back in your dresser, and lay down in bed, hoping that he'll be home sometime soon. 

Time seems to pass by so slowly, and you find yourself straining to stay awake. You scroll through your phone, trying to keep yourself awake, but you eventually drift off to sleep, with your phone still in hand. 

The knob to the front door turns, and Leorio finally enters the apartment, turning the lights back on in the process. He sighs as he kicks his shoes off and throws his books down on the couch. "(Y/N)!" He calls, "Are you home?" He's surprised when he receives no reply, "That's weird.. She usually waits on the couch.." He's shocked when he checks the time, "What?! How is it already that late?!" He rubs the back of his neck, "Man, now I feel really bad."

He walks down the hallway, until he gets to the bedroom. when he opens the door, Leorio is surprised by the sight of you laying in bed with his shirt on. His face quickly burns red, as he watches you, suddenly unable to move, "She looks so cute.." He struggles to hide his flustered state as he sits down on the edge of the bed. He gently shakes you, until your eyes finally open. You yawn as you rub your eyes, trying to fully wake up.

"I'm sorry I was so late, (Y/N).." He starts, looking away from you to hide his blush, "I wasn't watching the time."

You sit up, and shake your head at him, "You don't need to apologize, Leorio. I don't mind."

He meets your gaze, wondering, "Why are you wearing my shirt?"

You blush, a smile forming on your face, as you look away from him, "I just wanted to try it on.." You start, looking back up at him, "But it smelled like you, and I missed you a lot, so I ended up falling asleep in it."

Leorio thought that he couldn't blush any harder, but he was wrong. His face is now a dark red, "R-really? You missed me that much?"

You nod, "Sorry.."

He opens his arms for you, motioning for you crawl over to him. He wraps his arms around you tightly, pulling you against his chest. "Don't apologize. You look too damn cute for me to be mad."

"Leorio, your heart is beating really fast.." You point out, much to his chagrin.

"Oi, you don't need to point that out!" He loudly complains in your ear, "It's embarrassing.."

You giggle at his reaction, "I was just teasing you, my love." You pull back from the hug, and lean in to give him a peck on the lips. "I think you're the cute one, Leorio."

He looks away, pouting, "No, I'm not. You're the cute one."

You grin as you plant another kiss on his cheek, "I missed you. Did you finish your work?"

He turns back to face you, pulling you closer to him, "I missed you, too, (Y/N). I finished most of it. I'll just finish the rest tomorrow."

"Now you can relax," You beam up at him.

"I wanna spend some time with you," He starts, "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

You nod happily, "I would love to! Should I change first?"

He quickly shakes his head, saying, "Please don't." Before clearing his throat and saying, "I mean, you don't need to."

You both find yourselves cuddles up on the couch, your head laying on Leorio's shoulder, with his arm wrapped around you, holding you tightly. You're enjoying each others company, laughing and talking throughout most of the movie. Leorio is unwilling to let you leave his grasp, wanting to hold you close the whole time. Leorio's overly clingy and affectionate for the rest of the night, leading you to think that you should borrow his clothes more often.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm open to take any requests (for any hxh character. It will just be in my other one shots book) but especially Leorio!!

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