Fluff Ahoy!

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So, these one-shots will be set in the same type of setting as my Kurapika story. Basically, I had all of these idea's before I read into the Dark Continent arc. Most of them will take place with Kurapika and Leorio being part of the Zodiac's as the Rat and the Boar, but with free time. To sum it all up, it's pretty much Kurapika and Leorio in suits and living in apartment's near the Hunter Association. (It's honestly not going to make a big difference to the one shots lol. This is just for clarification) (This one shot is from my one shots book actually, but I thought it'd make for a good first chapter.)

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N)!!" A familiar voice echoes down the hall.

You look up from your desk, expectedly, waiting for the owner of the voice to pop into the room. Sure enough, Leorio comes barreling in, only half a second later.

"(Y/N)!! I'm glad you're still here," He says while holding his hands behind his back.

You eye him, suspiciously, curious as to what he may be hiding, "Of course I am. Was there something you needed?"

His eyes look at anything but you, face reddening, "W-well, uh, I got you something." He removes his hands from behind his back, revealing that he's holding a gift bag.

A look of surprise meets your face, as you stand from your desk and walk around it to face Leorio, "That's very nice of you, Leorio, but it's not really necessary." You smile up at him.

He holds the bag out for you, "I know we've only been dating for a few weeks b-but this made me think of you."

You notice how closely he's watching your expression, and how much this means to him, which only makes your smile grow. Taking the bag from him, you thank him, happily. Reaching into the paper bag, you find a decorative picture frame, with colored gems around the corners.

"The jewels on it made me think of your eyes.." He explains, looking down at the floor in front of you.

"This is so nice.." You start, an idea now coming to you, "We should take a picture for it."

It's now Leorio's turn to look surprised. His eyes meet yours as he asks, "R-really?"

Moments later, Kurapika joins you two in the room, holding a Polaroid camera. "You just want me to take a picture of you two?"

You nod, "I'm sorry for bothering you if you were busy, Kurapika."

Kurapika shakes his head at this, "I was just about to go home anyways, so it's not a problem."

Leorio and you sit together on the couch in your office while Kurapika stands across from you holding the camera. Leorio wraps an arm around your shoulder while you make a request of Kurapika, "Could you count down from three before you take it?"

He nods to this, and begins to count, "Three."

Your plan was going to work perfectly.


And Leorio doesn't suspect a thing.


Just before the camera flashes, you turn to face Leorio and kiss him on the cheek. The camera snaps, immortalizing this moment with a picture. You pull back and scoot back on the couch, while Leorio rubs his face, with reddened cheeks.

"W-what was that?" He stammers, while trying to recollect himself.

(Y/N) grins, "Consider it a thank you gift."

Little does he know, you have another thank you gift in mind.

"You two are dating?" Kurapika asks reasserting his presence.

Both of you sweatdrop, simultaneously.

The next day, you wait eagerly for Leorio to come meet you so that you can walk home together.

"Leorio! I'm really happy to see you!" You exclaim, standing from your desk the second he walks through the door.

He stops midstep, mouth agape, "Really? You've never said anything like that before."

(Y/N) stands from her desk, and walks around the front of it to face her boyfriend. You hand him a gift bag similar to the one he brought the day before.

Leorio holds it in one hand, trying to figure out what it may be by peering into it. His gaze falls upon you, as he asks in a surprised tone, "You really got this for me (Y/N)?"

You nod, smiling, "Go ahead and open it, Leorio."

Another decorative picture frame appears out of the bag, though this frame has caduceus' forming the corners. And the picture from yesterday is already set into it.

"(Y/N)!! T-this is.." His sentence rambles off as he observes your gift closely.

You only can grin at his reaction, "So you like it?"

He sweeps you into a giant bear hug as he exclaims, "I love it!! It's amazing, (Y/N)!! But the picture is the best part.."

"I wonder why.." You say quietly, smiling into his chest, while enjoying his warmth.

Later in the day, Leorio walks home with Kurapika, telling him all about your gift and how happy he is.

"Don't most people usually write sentimental things on the back of photo's before placing them in a frame?" Kurapika wonders aloud.

Leorio stops, midstep, in the middle of the sidewalk, "Huh?! I didn't even think about that!"

Kurapika stops a few feet ahead of him, "Do you have it with you?" He asks as he turns to face him.

He's already pulling it out of the bag and taking the back off of the frame. His eyes widen as he reads the back of the photo. "Kurapika look!!" Leorio holds the photo out to him.

Kurapika takes a look, and his partly open mouth turns into a smile, "You better go find her, Leorio."

He takes off down the sidewalk, flying past Kurapika, and causing his hair to fly in all directions.

Leorio races down the hall towards your apartment, and catches you right as your opening the door to go inside. "(Y/N)!!" he calls as he races towards you at an incredible speed.

Huh? Where's this speed at during combat?? You wonder to yourself, now paused and waiting for him to catch up to you.

Instead of stopping to talk to you, he lifts you up by the waist, and holds you above him, your face inches above his. "L-leorio..!" Needless to say, you're caught completely off-guard.

"Did you really mean that, (Y/N)?!" He questions you, excitedly.

You immediately know what he's talking about and try not to blush, "Uh, y-yeah I really did.. I hope that doesn't make things weird betwee-

He cuts you off by exclaiming, "No, it doesn't! I love you, too, (Y/N)!"

Acting on impulse, you take his cheeks inbetween both of your hands and kiss him, passionately. You both pull back for air a couple of seconds later.

Leorio sets you back onto the floor as he speaks, "(Y/N).." he starts, "Can we do that some more?"

Your face goes red, but you hold your apartment door open and gesture him inside, "Come on in then."

Meanwhile, Kurapika stands down the hall looking at the pictures he had taken while you two weren't watching. "Should I send these to Gon and Killua..?

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