Down With the Sickness

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(These one shots aren't in chronological order btw)

Another day in the office. Your stuffed-up feeling office. Just outside of your office, you can see Beans working at his desk. You wave at him with a small smile, to which he smiles back at and waves, thinking to himself, Thank God she actually does her own work.

 You look away, returning to your desktop to finish typing up a report. Rock music blares from the speakers of your radio, as your boyfriend Leorio had gave you what he called a 'mixtape'. The sounds of key mashing and rock music mix to create a nice rythym. The music is pretty enjoyable. You think to yourself, I can't find a reason to complain about it.

A hacking cough leaves your lips. "Dammit, stupid allergies," You mumble under your breath, taking a sip out of the plastic water bottle sitting on your desk. You grab a tissue, too, lightly blowing your nose, and throwing it in the trashcan underneath your desk. "Allergies aren't going to stop me." Back to typing you go. 

An hour more of typing, and coughing passes before a familiar figure stumbles into your room, "Oi, (Y/N)! I told you to go home!" He exclaims, pointing an accusing finger at you, "Kurapika told me you were still here."

You sigh, looking up from your computer monitor and replying with, "I'm fine, Leorio, really, it's just allergies." 

He walks over to you with one hand in his pocket. He uses the other hand to feel your forehead, pulling it away, and saying, "You have a slight fever, babe. You should head back to your apartment."

Shaking your head, you argue back, "I'm almost done with this, okay? I'll head home in fifteen. Will you stop bothering me now?"

"Do you want me to head back with you?" He wonders, "Are you okay to walk alone?"

You groan at this, "I'll be fine. It's not a big deal. It's only a five minute walk so don't worry about me, and finish your work, okay, love?"

He blushes madly at the term of endearment you decided to use, "F-fine. I'm just worried about you. I don't know what I'd do without you, babe." 

You take hold of his hand, kissing the back of it gently, "I know, and I appreciate it. I'll call you when I get home, so don't worry yourself sick."

"Okay," He kisses your forehead gently, saying, "I love you, (Y/N). Be careful, and get some rest."

You smile up at him, "I love you, too. And thank you for caring." 

He nods, and walks off to the door. Before he walks out, he gives you once last weary glance, then takes off down the hallway. You sigh and return to your report. A little over fifteen minutes later, you finally finish up, send in the report, and throw your coat on. Before heading home, you stop to talk to Beans, 

"I finished the report you needed done, and I'm gonna head home for tonight." You let out a dry cough, "My allergies are getting to me."

He nods, saying, "Thanks, (Y/N), and good work! Go ahead home."

"Thanks." With that, you start your walk to the apartment. As you had guessed, nothing happened, and you made it there fine. You decide to make yourself a sandwich, and put on your pajamas, before calling your lover. You hold the phone up to your ear, whilst the microwave runs in the background.

"(Y/N)!! I was so worried about you!! What took you so long?!" He shouts worriedly into his phone, and into your ear. 

You turn down the volume, replying, "I was making a sandwich. Sorry."

"You should be resting and drinking water," Leorio scolds you.

You mimic him, mocking his yapping with hand gestures. You mumble, "I just had to date a doctor, huh?"

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