Picnic Gone Wrong

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It's a nice sunny day, and the skies are a bright shade of blue. You don't see a cloud in sight, as your eyes scour the area for your loving boyfriend. You use your hand to shade your eyes from the sun's bright rays. 

"Hmm.. Where could you be, Leorio?" You slip your cellphone out of your pocket, and reread the texts that he sent you earlier today.

'Good morning babe! I went out early to do something! I hope you have a good morning, and I left the cereal on the counter for you.'

'Babeee, I know you're still sleeping, but I miss you.'

'Meet me by the entrance of the park at 1pm!! It's important so don't forget!! I love you!'

"Well, it's past 1 now.." You glance around the area again, before shrugging, "He must be running late. Maybe I should just call him."

As you're pulling up his contact info, you hear a voice calling your name in the distance. You look up to see your boyfriend running towards you with intense speed. He stops in front of you, panting to catch his breath.

"Sorry.. I'm.. Late.." He chokes out, while taking labored breaths. 

You perk up an eyebrow at him, "Did you run all of the way here?"

"No, I was already in the park, and I came running back." He explains to you.

"Why didn't you just ask me to meet you inside the park then?" You can't help but wonder.

He's quick to brush off your question, "That doesn't matter!!" Leorio offers you a bright smile, wondering, "Did you miss me?"

"Of course, I always do," You reply, casually. You put a finger on your chin, as you watch him suspiciously, "But I'm more curious of what you're hiding."

He wraps an arm around your shoulder, and pulls you close to him, "Don't worry about that! Or you'll ruin the surprise!" He starts to walk forward, leading you into the park.

"Fine, then I won't ask you anymore questions," You reply, crossing your arms, "Only because I love you."

"That's my girl!" He exclaims happily as he gestures to you, "I promise that you'll love it."

"I don't doubt that."

He leads you through the trails of the park, pointing out cool flowers he saw, and telling you stories of other times he's been here. After several minutes of walking, he places both of his hands over your eyes, and stands behind you, gently leading you forward.

He finally asks you, "Are you ready?" Earning a nod from you in response. "Okay, here we go!" 

He uncovers your eyes to reveal a beautiful picnic lunch. There's a red and white blanket sprawled on the ground with rose petals sprinkled all around it. A brown picnic basket is opened, and sitting near two wine glasses, and a bottle of red wine. Two plates, and silverware are placed across from each other as well. 

"Well, what do you think?" He asks excitedly, as he moves to stand in front of you. When he turns around to face you, and gauge your reaction, you tackle-hug him. You hold onto him tightly, as he holds you by the waist. "I'm guessing you like it then! I'm so happy! I was kinda worried at first.."

"I love it, Leorio!" You pull away from him, slightly, to beam up at him, "It's all perfect. I love you so much."

His cheeks go red at your kind words, and the beautiful smile gracing your face, "It's all for you, babe. I packed all of your favorite foods."

"That's so thoughtful, Leorio," Your (E/C) eyes gaze directly into his, "I'm so lucky to have you."

He shakes his head at this, mumbling, "That would be me, babe."

Double-Stuffed Leoreo'sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن