Chaeyoung leaned forward, "I stand by Jennie Kim. Only her," she leaned back, "Though I'm worried too. I know you are capable of guiding Jisoo through this. But it won't be easy and I'm concerned about your safety love. If anything happens to you..."

Jennie intertwined their hands, "Nothing will happen to me," she pecked Chaeyoung's lips, "Regardless, you'll always be here to protect me."

"That I shall," smiled Chaeyoung, "But this must mean you won't be staying for long then? I'm sure there are preparations you need to make."

"Yes, I'll only be here for a few days before returning back. I just needed to be with you before...well you know."

"Before everything turns to shit."

"Yes," laughed Jennie, "I guess that's what I'm trying to say."

"When will you see your parents again?"

"I don't know. I think they're fighting because of this. And me and Taehyung obviously having taken sides. I..."

"It may be tough and I'm sure it's strange having to go about all of this. But don't let the conflict between Jisoo and her father, come between the love you have for your parents. Though, you may not agree, I am certain that they will always love you and your brother. And that means, there is always a chance to mend any bridges burnt," Chaeyoung kissed their hands, "And I'll hold your hand like this whenever the time comes."

Jennie fought back a well of oncoming tears, "Thank you so much."

"I love you Jennie, that's all to it," a tear fell from dark brown eyes, "Oh no love, please do not cry. We'll get through this. I'll help you in any way I can," she moved to bend down before Jennie and wiped at her eyes," I love you," she kissed Jennie's cheek, "I love you," she kissed her other cheek, "I love you," she kissed Jennie's forehead.

"Alright, I get it," laughed Jennie.

Chaeyoung smiled, "Mmm, I know," she returned to her seat, expression firm, "Jen, listen to me carefully, if at any point you need my assistance, just speak it to your communion bracelet. I'll come straight away. Whatever it is you need. I'll give it to you. Please don't ever forget that you are not alone in this. Not ever."

Pouting, Jennie nodded as she sat up, "I shall. Now, what's been happening with you?"

"But we haven't finished talking about you yet."

"I know. But we will get back to that," said Jennie, "Now tell me, how are things?"

"They're not that great. Jim and the others seem more uncomfortable around me than usual. The archive project doesn't make much sense and where exactly were Hyuna and E'dawn all this time? They still aren't being honest with me."

"Have you asked any of them directly?"

"I did tell Jim that I know the project is a cover for something else. But he denied my suspicions. Chalked it up, to me being bored and not being able to rest. It's alright though, I'll find out soon enough."

Jennie shifted closer to her and caressed her head, "What could they possibly hide from you? Perhaps it has to do with the village?"

Chaeyoung looked into concerned eyes and decided to keep her thoughts. Something was telling her that perhaps the issue had to do with herself. But she was unsure. Once she found out a little more, she would speak to Jennie. For now, she wouldn't add anymore worries on to Jennie's plate.

"I think it probably is about the village. But like I said, I'll figure it out. Right now, my biggest concern is you."

Jennie kissed the top of her head, "Well I worry about you. I'm here for you too. Always," she leaned down and kissed her, "I love you," she kissed her again, "so," another kiss, "so," two more pecks, "much."

"Mmm, I know," said Chaeyoung.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, I wanted to check what happened on the day King Eon made the announcement to give successorship to Jimin," Jennie nodded for her to continue, "Well, that day we detected a huge amount of dark-magi coming from the capital. It was very abnormal. Did something occur?"

Jennie thought back to the way Jisoo so eagerly used Kira's powers, the utter chaos that caused on the masses of people, the screams, "Love?" she blinked back towards Chaeyoung and nodded.

"Yes, something did happen and...well it scares me."

Chaeyoung sat up straight, stomach twisting, prepared to kill anyone who may have harmed Jennie, "Did something happen to you? Who was it?"

"No, Chae, baby calm down," said Jennie and kissed her cheek, "It's not what happened to me. It's what I witnessed. Did you hear about what happened when Jisoo made her declaration to the entire capital?"

"I've heard a few tales," said Chaeyoung, "Apparently people saw apparitions."

"Mmm, something like that. There's a lot of strange things going on around Jisoo. Especially with Kai and the people he brings in to contact with her," Chaeyoung frowned at the mention of that man's name, "It all happened so quickly," continued Jennie.

"One moment Jisoo's distraught about her father disowning her, then Kai arrived with that woman, saying the time has come. He said he needs to tell Jisoo something. Next, he informs us that King Eon isn't Jisoo's biological father. Suddenly we're all ushered out of the room. Then there was a big red flash. Jisoo's making her announcement. She clicked her fingers and boom!"

Jennie's eyes were wide, "The loops showed everyone screaming, some were tearing at their eyes," she shuddered, "It was awful. Turns out that woman was a sorcerer. The one who brought Kai and my brother. Jisoo and Kai used her to show the people "their true selves" so that they could turn to the Sprit of Meta. Follow the true path," she shook her head, "It was all so..."

"Wow," Chaeyoung placed her hands on the table, "It sounds like that sorcerer used dark-magi," the titter outside filtered through their silence. Jennie could hear carriages pass by as well as vendors promoting their products. Their hut was in a hidden crook but near the bustle of the village. With numbers increasing, it was difficult not to be touched by the noise.

"I don't like this," said Chaeyoung, "Dark-magi users are not common. It's a technique that many sorcerers warn away from," she looked at Jen, "You said Kai brought her?" Jennie nodded, "Baby," Chaeyoung connected their hands together, "This sounds like bad news. I need you to be careful."

"Kai trusts her and Jisoo trusts Kai and I."

"Trust Jisoo. I know, I know," Chaeyoung sighed.

"Well why are you saying it like?" Jennie let go of her hands.

"Like what?"

"You know what Chae."

"I just...think maybe you shouldn't just follow what Jisoo trusts."

"You think I don't know that?"

"I didn't say that."

"Isn't that what you're implying?"

"No, it is not."

"Sure," Jennie crossed her arms, eyes lowered.

"Just...please be careful. Like I said, the cloud over the capital was abnormal and large. That woman is quite powerful if she could do that. I just want you to be safe."

"I will be," Jennie's gaze was earnest. Chaeyoung revealed a gentle smile, making her heart race.

"Baby...I'm happy you're here right now," said Chaeyoung and took one of her hands away from her chest to place her lips against it, "I really am," another knock on their door held her back from responding. Chaeyoung got up and soon after Dahyun and Jaehyun were joining them at the table. Watching as Chaeyoung laughed at what the others were saying, Jennie knew that she too was happy to be right here with the woman she loves. 

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