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While Nick was on his way to the precinct , he kept wondering what case was so important that he needed to know about ? Once he arrived at the precinct he got out his car and walked into the precinct .
Nick: Hey Liv , what so impor-
Zara: DADDY ! she ran up to him and hugged him.
Nick: What are you doing here baby girl?

Zara was about to say something , but Olivia said something instead.
Olivia: Nick can I talk to you in my office .... Zara we'll be right back.

Zara nodded and they walked into her office.
Olivia: Nick , Umm Maria left Zara here with you and she left jet off with her boyfriend to Europe.
Nick: Wow , this is crazy are you sure , so she stays with me ? She gave up her parental rights ?
Olivia: Yes and Yes !
Nick: I don't know how I'm gonna explain this to Zara , she's gonna be heart broken

They walked out of the office , and over to Zara , Nick and Zara said goodbye and they walked out of the precinct into the car.

Car Convo :
Zara: So daddy , is mommy coming to live with you ?
Nick: No Zara , yah see umm mommy is going away for awhile and your going to be staying with me
Zara: Why isn't she coming , don't you love her ?
Nick: Yes Zara I do love her , and she's love you too , and she loves you so much that she's wants you to stay with daddy and Amanda
Zara: Wait Amanda ... That blonde chick
Nick: Yes her , and guess what your going to be having a little baby brother
Zara: Is it by that Amanda chick ?
Nick: Yeah ...Do you not like her ?
Zara: She alright , but she ain't all that
S/N Zara is like 14 years old
Nick: Well you'll learn to like I promise
Zara: If You say so


They got out the car and walked In the house and Nick said:
Nick: Babe I'm here

She walkes around the corner
Amanda: Hey babe did you find out wh-

Zara ? What are you doing here .... Nick you didn't tell she was coming
Nick: this is why I had to go to the precinct today , to get Zara
Amanda: Okay well , Hey Zara how've you been I haven't seen you since you were like 10
Zara: Look don't try to come up in here acting like you know me
Nick: Zara I told you to be nice

Then she stormed off into her room
Nick: Imma go talk to her
Amanda: No let me
Nick: no you don't have to
Amanda: I want to

She walked into the room Zara's back was to the door
Zara: if you want me to apologize you can forget it because she's not my mom
Amanda: Ik I'm not your mom , and I know this is all probably REALLY REALLY new to you .... Can I tell you something ?
Zara: I guess so ..
Amanda: My mom and dad ....... they really didn't pay attention to me when I was young my dad would gamble his life away ... And my mom just let him and then my sister came along and my mom really didn't take care of us , so I had to steal my moms money to buy me and my sister food and when I left for college I never came back ,
Zara: Don't you love your parents?
Amanda: Yes I do , I miss them everyday and I wish I can go back , but I know I know I just can't
Zara: okay so what the point and why can't you go back
Amanda: The point issss that your parents love you  no matter how far away they are from you okay as long as you know they raised you well then don't worry and i hope maybe you can grow to like me okay ? Be grateful that you had parents that watched you go up and supported you and I hope I can give you that too
Zara: I guess I can try
Amanda:Truce ?
Zara: Truce.

They hugged and they lived happily ever after .

Why can't Amanda go home ?
Wassuo with Zara fake Tude ?
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