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Okay Guys , Sorry For The Wait , But My Phone Was Off ... YES ! IK , It Sucked

But Anyways I've Reached 2,000 Readers OMG THIS IS HUGGEEEEE , But Anyways , Thanks Like A Whole Buncha Times !!! Any who here's the chapter ! Comment On This Please ! AND VOTE !!


Okay so where did I leave off at ? ..... Oh yes the "Bang Bang"

"Bang Bang" Shots rang out . People yelling and shouting . Guess who fired the shot ? Sam ! And Guess who he shot Amanda ... She was lying on the ground bleeding from her shoulder.
Nick: *he got on his knee to put pressure on her shoulder* AMANDA , P-LEASE DONT DIE , PLEASE YOU ARE THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME , CAN WE PLEASEEEE GET A BUS IN HERE !!!
Two paramedics start running in and put her on the gurney and left with Nick by her side . Sam was in custody and so was Joe .

At The Hospital:
Everyone is in the waiting room when Nick comes out of her room and talk to Liv
Liv: How is she ?
Nick: She going into surgery now
Liv: And the baby ?
Nick: They won't tell me anything
Liv: I think she'll be okay , she's Amanda Rollins she's always fine.
Nick: That's what I'm afraid of !


Interrogation Room:
Fin: So Captain , why did you do it
No response.
Fin: I KNOW YOU HEARD ME ! *he shouted*
Sam: She owed me money !!
Fin: like gambling dept ?
Sam: NO , When Chief Patton died he left Amanda 5 million and me his house and car ! But I wanted the money all she was gonna do it blow it on gambling !
Fin: Oh , well you still know your facing charges for kidnapping of a police officer , and attempted murder of a police officer
Sam: I know and I'll admit to that , so slap the cuffs on and take me away
Fin: Sam Reynolds you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law , you have the right to an attorney , if you cannot afford one , one will be appointed to you by the court . Do you understand these rights as they have been said to you ?
Sam: No Dip ass imma cop
Fin: Not anymore !


Back To Hospital: 10:31pm

Nick and Liv were still in the waiting room , then suddenly Amanda's doctor came up to them .
Liv: Is she gonna be okay ?
Nick: What about the baby ?
Doctor: Well Sergeant Benson Amanda and the baby are .......

To be continued .


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