Getting To Know You

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Nicks POV:

I woke up got ready for work , then I got Ayden ready . I drove to the Stacys house to drop him off. I knocked on the door , praying and hoping Amanda would be the one to answer. Amanda came to the door.
Amanda: Hey Momma Boy Is Here , I Miss You Baby Boy !!! (grabbing him and slamming the door)
Nick: Damn.

Then I got in my car and hit the steering over and over again , then went to work.

Amanda's POV:

I walked into the precinct then sat down at my desk.
S/N Nick can't hear their convo
Fin: Hey Manda
Amanda: Hey Fin ....
Fin: what's wrong
Amanda: I'm surprised you didn't hear , I've been getting dirty looks all day
Fin: Noo , All I heard was that you and Nick got into a argument , soo spill the details
Amanda: He cheated on me
Fin: HE WHAT !!(standing up)

Fins face was turning red , and I knew if I didn't calm him down things would escalate quickly.
Amanda: Its fine we're not together right now
Fin: Well imma still talk to him

I nodded and went back to my work.

Afternoon cane around , we were all at the board trying to figure out the pattern of his rapes
Olivia: So he wear a hoodie ,  he's white male , follows woman in their 40s home and rapes them
Nick: Yeah , so we're looking at a serial rapist
Amanda: Possibly , He has raped 3 woman and th-

My phone rang .
Phone Convo:
Amanda: Rollins .
Blake: Hey Amanda how you doing ?
Amanda: I'm fine , but can I call you back , I'm at work
Blake: Oh , okay well .... Dinner . Tonight . At That Restaurant On 24th Street .

End of Phone Call
Amanda: Okayy .... Then .
Nick: Who was that ??
Amanda: Did I forget to ask you DAD
Nick: I was just asking Manda
Amanda: Well Don't

Then I walked into the cribs. I sat on the bed and cried. I can't date someone else , I really still do love Nick , I miss him holding me at night and us laughing and talking , and us being good at work.

Then the door to the cribs opened , and it was Nick
Nick: Hey Um look I didn't mean to intrude on your phone call
Amanda: Its fine I just yah know got really upset
Nick: Amanda ... (Putting his hands on my waist) I was wondering maybe you could give me a second chance
Amanda: I don't Nick , I still really confused about all this
Nick: Well Think about , a least have the ring back

He reached out to give it to me and I took it , I stood to get up and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. We were eye to eye , nose to nose. He leaned in and kissed me and kissed him back gosh it felt so good.
Amanda: I-I-I I Just Can't Nick , I'm Sorry Please I've Gotta Go .

Then I walked out of the room and went back to my desk. I got a call from Mercy Hospital thinking we caught a case
Phone Convo:
Amanda: Rollins .
Nurse: Hi , Mrs. Rollins , Umm your son Ayden is here
Amanda: What ! ..... What's Happened ?
Nurse: He has a fever of 103.1
Amanda: Omg He was fine this morning. I'm on my way
End of phone call
Fin: do we have a case ?
Amanda: Uhh , No Ayden in The ER
Olivia: was wrong ?
Amanda: Idk but I'm gonna find out , where's Nick ?
Nick: I'm right here ? What's wrong ?
Amanda: Ayden In the hospital , let's go !

I grabbed his arm and ran out of there.

Is Everything Okay ?

Blake & Amanda ?


Nick & Amanda ?

Comment Who Should Be Together ?
It Will Be Determined Later !

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